how could i frag corals?

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
so when i frag them put them in a container for a few minutes and let the glue or whatever
also my green star polyps is that something that can be fragged? and if so do i just cut one of the polyps off and glue it to a peice of like half inch rock?

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
alright let me see if i got this strate
1st. pull the coral out and place in a bowl or whatever it fits in
2nd. try pulling the purple part that is stuck to the rock up
3rd. cut how ever much off i want (like a if i cut an inch off there probably be like 5 polyps)
4th. place back into bowl and get ready to place it on the rock
5th. grab the piece i cut off and stick on rock
6th. place back in bowl for like 5 minutes
7th. place in a low-ish flow area in my tank
8th. check to see if it has attached it's self to the rock
and is that all?
BTW what works best glue,neting,stiching or something else??

Thank you,