how many fish could i have


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2008
Inland Empire
I have a 30g tank i have 1 platy 1 swordtale 5 zebras 2 neon tetras with some plants and some snails that poped up


Superstar Fish
Jan 17, 2008
How many depends on what kind of fish you want to add. You could definitly add more then what you have already though. The neon tetras are best in schools of 6 or more though. I would start there if you're going to start adding. (though I would recommend adding cardinals over neons as they're hardier fish.)


Superstar Fish
Jan 20, 2008
Corpus Christi, Texas
alot of people like cory's as there bottom feeder which a cute and are active during the day, I prefer bumblebee catfish and raphael catfish...the problem is they are nocturnal so you will seldom see them. The bumblebee cats stay very small (make sure your get the SA variety) and the raphael can get up to 8 to 12in.

Is you current platy a male or a female...if you add females and have a male you could very easily be over ran with fry in a couple of months. Also is your swordtale a male of female.. a recent artcle in Aquarium USA state that most of todays Platys are actually a hybrid from a swordtail and wild this may mean they can breed together as well but i am not sure.

If you want something a bit more exotic and less common go for GBR's or Apistogramma's they stay small and are beautiful fish and not very expensive for the rarity in lfs and chain stores.

If you have a question post it and someone will be able to help you and please research before you buy.


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Your stocking certainly seems fine at this point, however, has this tank been cycled before adding all these fish? If not, you are in for massive trouble very soon. Best to take a look at the link in my signature on "cycling a tank" or the stickies in the forum.

You should probably get a bottomfeeder. They clean up the leftovers that fall down. (they DO NOT eat poo) :D I have some peppered cories that I am breeding right now. They like to live in groups of three or more I think. You could also get some shrimp but there have been discussions about whether they are aggressive or not. Go do some research on those. Hope you find something! :D

Edit: Oh, and welcome!


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2008
Inland Empire
My tank has already been cycled i got live plant and a filter ment for a 60g tank, but i was thinking of getting some Amano shrimp but im not sure if my pet store has them i gots to check


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2008
Inland Empire
5 years Wow huh! i had a plecos or 4 years but it died so i just left my tank with some nasty dirty water for like a couple of months then my mom bought 2 neons so i cleaned it out and started again with a little bit of the old water


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
FYI, your tank is NOT cycled by adding some of the "old water" from your tank before you cleaned it out. Leaving a tank for a few months with nothing in it will kill off all the beneficial bacteria and you will now have to start over. Please read up on safely cycling your tank before you add any new fish. It already sounds like you're going to have your hands full with all the fish you currently have in the uncycled tank.