how many fish do you lose on average?


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
how many fish have you lost?

just curious...I think I have lost maybe 5 over the course of the last 7 months or so which seems a bit high...2 were neons though so im not sure if i count that, since apparently they just die sometimes ;)

secondary question: what is your oldest fish? Mine are my 6 zebra danios, got them to cycle my first tank and still have them (7 months later)...I know that isn;t a record or anything, just curious


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Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I think my blue betta is the oldest, going on three years, maybe four, I lost track. I know my goldfish are all at least three.

I've lost about ten in the last three years my tanks have been up and going. My zebra pleco was the biggest loss, that one was a stupidity death. But most of the others were simply mysterious.
Last month I lost all five of my white clouds for no explainable reason after I did a water change. The betta and the two cory cats that were their tankmates are currently doing fine, and there was nothing different about that water change from any of the ones previously or afterwards. They just, went.

But I haven't had any major die offs or diseases in a long time.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
hmm, not many, i lost a clown loach and 2 neons when i got my first tank without cycling bout 3yrs ago, lost 2 neons, had a female golden wonder killie beat to death, and some guppies here and there, and a mono sebae ripped apart by my puffer, thats all i can think of, about oldest fish, my angel is atleast 3yrs old


Large Fish
Dec 11, 2002
Flint, Michigan
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I think I've lost about 14 to the ich disease and about 4 that were just eaten by bigger fish. I don't think you will find a person who has never lost a fish unless he has one and got lucky but I have probably about 50 fish so the more fish you have of course the death rate will probaly be up just a tad higher because some fish just die for some unknown reason just like everyone posted.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I've lost 14 in about 10 months... plus i gave 2 away... I lost 11 July first cuz i never learned how to acclimate fish properly... I had 8 guppies (mainly babies) and 3 corys in a 2 gallon and moved them to a five gallon and they all died... plus a baby guppy died the first day I got him in April. Then, Sept. 7th my marble molly died for an unkown reason... probably stress from being chased by another molly... then I gave the molly and a guppy away, but they are still alive. Then I got a betta to go with my platy. THe platy got dropsy and died Jan. 4th... So now all I have is a betta... the fish that I had for the longest was the platy... if he had lived two more days it would have been 5 months... now, in 12 days, I will have had the betta for 4 months... sheesh! I haven't had that great of luck with fish! lol I think I'm gonna get an otto to go with the betta cuz I think he's getting lonely.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Hmm... i lost a golden wonder killie a couple months ago because she jumped out, then dried up, and just recently a paradise fish that was going on 4 years (just wednesday). I also lost one of my discus for some reason about 6 months ago, i still don't know why.

My oldest fish is probably my angel whom is going on 5 years now.

Oct 22, 2002
Most of my deaths happened at the start of the tank usual thing really, esp if you forgot to cycle)

I lost 5 zebra danios to columnaris and a short time later one CA(and a happy crayfish ot testify it...stupid).....

February(birthday..and oh birthday is 4 days away right now) a pair of Paradise fish added to 5 rosy reds and 4 white clouds(one which they ate..stupid)

Then in May...something really weird happened, I have no idea what it was, it was quite sudden too, oen by oen the white clouds turned pale and one showed a ringed spot on the caudl peduncle, and died several days later.

The odd thing about it is that it only affected the be exact, 4 white clouds and a few zebras(rosies were in the pond for the winter...brought in after I was sure that had passed)

After this(and mayb1e, after findign several msgboards and sponging up more and more info on this hobby), the aquarium stabilized and I lost no fish from disease then until now...only a lone swordtail decided to jump the bucket one night...

I guess I must have made a couple beginner mistakes at the beginning leading to the demise of those fish(12 in just a 5 months). :(

Oh, and Hunter(and is fellows) has been with me for one year now!!!
(i'll see he'll get a brine shrimp cube tonight, as he usually does every several days)

My current stock in the 46 gallon now.

2 paradise fish(Hunter and Glitter male and female)
5 zebra danios(not the ones befor,e but i've kept them since July)

30-50 or so baby kribs(might be able ot find hoems for most of them today)

Fishboy, you had a paradise fish for 4 years? How old was he when you got him?...I hope i'll have Hunter with me for that long!

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Large Fish
Nov 21, 2002
North Las Vegas, Nevada
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About a month ago i lost 12 guppies and one male betta to disease, Im not sure what one, but some sort of fin rot fungas, that must have been spread by contact, cause the fry in the breeder all survived and 1 older fry free swimming in the tank survived too.

I lost 1 silver tip tetra to ich recently, guess i didnt notice it fast enough :-(

I bought 4 Endlers that all dies over a period of 3 weeks for no reason.... perhaps stress

And my african dwarf frog died after getting stuck trying to swim into the discharge of my hex5 tank


Large Fish
Jan 27, 2003
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6 dead so far....not counting fry munched.

We started in December with a little novelty tank my daughter got for xmas. We put in a male and female guppy and a neon (now, this tank had no heater and was about 1-1/2 gal. with airstone)
The male guppy died first, but the female had babies on the way home and the first night. Two of those babies survived (and still live on) we added another neon and then lost one and then the other.
We added another male guppy and then another female. The first female guppy (mother) died. We then, bitten by the fish bug, bought a 29 gal. tank. Moved the 2-guppies (M&F) into the larger tank.
We then added 2-Mickey Mouse platies to the 29gal.
The 2 baby guppies stayed in the smaller tank for a few weeks, before they were moved to the larger tank in a hanging plastic breeder.
Then doubled the population with a Calico platy, another female guppy a cory and a Ram. The Ram died 4 days later. We recently added 2-Twin Bar platies got some ghost shrimp and let the guppy babies (at 4 weeks) join the rest of the tank.

We got two cheap goldfish (12 cent feeders) for my daughter's littel novelty tank as the temp is usually about 68-70 degrees (or below) we had been keeping a desk lamp turned on over it to help keep the temp up to 72.
Now in the "main" tank all are healthy, active and well adjusted........fingers crossed. ;)


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
London, UK
I've had a 33 gallon tank for a year now.
I fishless cycled and added a large fish load over a few days. Ammonia never reared it's ugly head....but 3 of the Cardinal tetras died suddenly which was very depressing.
Since then I've lost 2 long finned zebra danios... again very suddenly and mysteriously. No sign of illness at all. I also lost a Bosemani rainbow fish who got thinner and more unhappy until we euthanased her. Lots of tears, but she was so unhappy. I think she was being bullied.
One of my diamond tetras in my 20l tank died a couple of days ago, but I think that was because my son tipped a pot of food in there last week. Despite major gravel vacuuming and water changes every day, and the tank looking clean that would seem the obvious culprit.
So....the vast majority of my fish, cardinal tetras, ottos, clown plec, Bosemani rainbow, zebra danios have lasted a year so far. SAE's 6 months old.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Cincinnati, Ohio
Originally posted by nonamethefish

Fishboy, you had a paradise fish for 4 years? How old was he when you got him?...I hope i'll have Hunter with me for that long!
Yup, i really have no idea how old he was when i got him, he came from Petsmart for some mollies... So i dunno...


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Sin City, again...
catfishmike here, in the last 3 months i have lost 3 corys 3 neons and my prize betta.2 corys had parasites 1 cory died for no apparent reason.1 neon from a broken tail 1 from the loss of an eye(i blame that on my blue ram)and the betta had dropsy.other than that it has been almost a year since the last death


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
new york, ny
i lost 4 long finned white clouds at once because i HAD to have them when i saw them in the store, even though my tank had not finished cycling. DUMB. my greed killed them. a fifth survived and is now happy with some short-finned cousins going on 6 months.

while raising danio fry i used to lose half the batch (+/- 20) over the course of raising them. but now i only lose a couple out of an average batch of 40 fry.

and i'm proud of my successful nursing back to health of 2 danios that i thought had about died, drifting listlessly. they are fine now, maybe slower than they once were. almost a year old.


Large Fish
Jan 6, 2003
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Well, I'm not counting any fry because when I first tried to raise angel fry, I would lose almost the whole batch. Then my rams would get their fry to the free swimming stage then eat them....I let them do this a couple of times trying to get the parents to the stage where they wouldn't eat them.

I've lost my share of fish during the 5 yrs or so I've been keeping them. Lately my matched pair of angels died. I had them for over 5 yrs and they gave me many batches of fry....they were adults when I bought them so I have no idea how old they really were. Then the rams died within a month of each other, but then they were over 2yrs old and I know they don't have long life spans. Had an ebili angel (saltwater) that I ended up humanly destroying, poor thing kept getting infested with ich...the only fish in the tank to get this.
I had a group of neons that did great for about a year then suddenly the whole bunch started dropping off for no reason I could find. And one whole tank wipe out. This took out a lovely group of scissortail rasboras, dwarf gourami, and a royal pleco. Figured out that the gravel was to blame as it was a colored gravel and the paint was coming off. Also had a killie that swam up a broken intake tube.
The oldest fish that I have now are 2 black neons and 4 black widow (aka black skirt) tetras.....these were the first fish I ever had and I still have them. That would make them about 5 1/2 yrs old. The black widows look as good as the day I got them, but the black neons look old .........


Large Fish
Feb 10, 2003
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i had a blood parot for 10 years,i was sad when i lost him.ive got an upsidedown cat that is over 12 years old. 3 fuelleborni that are better then 4 years old.on the other hand i lost 4 tropheus in 2 months plus an 18" eel i had for 2 years last week.