how many fish have you lost?
just curious...I think I have lost maybe 5 over the course of the last 7 months or so which seems a bit high...2 were neons though so im not sure if i count that, since apparently they just die sometimes
secondary question: what is your oldest fish? Mine are my 6 zebra danios, got them to cycle my first tank and still have them (7 months later)...I know that isn;t a record or anything, just curious
just curious...I think I have lost maybe 5 over the course of the last 7 months or so which seems a bit high...2 were neons though so im not sure if i count that, since apparently they just die sometimes
secondary question: what is your oldest fish? Mine are my 6 zebra danios, got them to cycle my first tank and still have them (7 months later)...I know that isn;t a record or anything, just curious
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