how many frontosa

Oct 22, 2002
I was wondering how many frontosa i could keep so they are happy and so they wont be to aggressive and one day breed in a 6x2x2(180gallons) that i will be getting in the next few weeks
and would it be possable to keep some shell-dewllers(neolamprologus multifasciatus)with them with out them becoming food for the frontosa
just asking about the multifasciatus cos lindy would like the 2ft tank they are in back for her hoplo's

adrian ;D


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
For any aggressive cichlid, the 1 inch of fish per gallon doesn't apply here.  Frontosas can get big and mean and you need to have them in a very big tank, at minimum at 60 gallon.  I would only put an inch of fish per 5 gallon.  
It might look good to stuff a lot of fish in a small space and have them survive but without hiding places and swimming spaces, the cichlid will be under a lot of stress from their tankmate and from the high nitrates.
If I had a big enough tank, I would only put one frontosa per 20 gallon.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
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Well I keep 5 Fronts in a 180G, only other inhab is a gold nugget pleco. As for keeping ShellDwellers with them...I'm not sure I suppose if they were large enough they would be OK.