How many tanks and what kind of fish?


Medium Fish
Nov 9, 2002
Rochester Ny
Visit site
How many fish and tanks do you have?

1-Very small, and very freindly fire eel
1- Uaru(very nice cichlid)
4-Silver Dolars
2-Lima Shovel-noses
1-Common Pleco
1-Apple Snail

55 #1
5-Zebra Danios
1- Unknown Pleco
3-Royal Loaches

55 #2
1-13" Oscar
1- Apple Snail

1- 9" JD
1- Unknown Pleco(but it deffinatly isnt a common)

2-Blue Acaras
5- Red Phantom Tetras

30 #1
1- TINY con i just found this morning hes no more than 3/4 inches long
1- Mystery Snail

20 #1
2-Cons(pink, juvis)

20 #2
Nothing in it as of right now but im going to get a couple baby Ctenopoma acutirostre(Spotted CLimbing Perch), to put in this temporary tank.

5.5 #1
2- Fundulpanchax Scheeli (sp)

5.5 #2
1 Comet Gold fish(my moms)

Thats it...

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Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Hmm, Ok, I'll bite..
30 Gallon
2 blue gouramis (M/F Pair, 4")
1 golden gourami (M, 4")
1 kissing gourami (?,3")
2 red wag swordtails (this one really is a mystery, started out male, and got extra fins..., 2.5")
1 Pictus catfish (?,3")
2 skunk botias (?, 1.5")
1 Sailfin molly (M, 2.5")
1 golden wonder killifish (M, 2")
2 American Flag Fish (F, 1.5")
Hope thats it.. This tank is really over stocked, I know, but, for the most part, alot of it, wasn't my idea to get.. this was previously my uncles tank, that he gave to me a few months ago. And, I'd feel bad just tossing the fish, so, I'll hold out, til they al die, and do what I want with the darn tank! As of right now, my least fav, because of all the friggin beard algae!

12 Gallon
3 Bettas (F obviously, 2")
3 Kuhli Loaches (?, 3")

10 gallon (SW)
1 Yellow Tailed Blue Damsel (?, a lil over 1")
1 skunk speudochromis (?, 1.5")

10 Tall
1 Sunset Platy (F, 1.5")
1 golden wonder killi (M, 2")
1 Oto (1.5")
I'm open for suggestions on this one.. any and all would be grateful! Everything in there as of right now, can be moved....

5 Gallon #1
Guppys (2m, 3f, all less then 1.5")

5 Gallon #2 (brackish)
2 bumble bee gobies (?, both about .5")

3.5 gallon tank (my moms)
2 zebra danios
4 black neon tetras
This is VERY heavily planted, with a filter rated for a 20 gallon, so, I'm not TO worried about stocking level as of right now, since most of those fish, will be moved out, when she decide what she wants as a permanent resident.

3 Gallon
1 male betta

All of them, minus the sw, brackish and for now the 30 are fully planted.. The 30 was, until the algae outbreak, and I got frustrated, pulled all the plants, dipped them in bleach, rinsed them off stuffed them in other tank, and I'm giving the 30 the silent treatment.. Water changes and feeding daily, but no plants until the darn algae is taken care of, then, we'll try again!


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
southern Ohio
#3's mine

1 tiger oscar
1 sailfin Pl*co
1 Pictus Cat


ok, you guys will be ashamed of this tank....but we all have one....and we just dont talk about it!! I call it my "catch all" tank....things that dont really go together, but get along, and generally overstocked.....

4 lucky feeder goldfish (they were to cute to sacrafice)
1 buenos aries
2 blood fin tetras
3 white clouds
3 juli cories
10-12 cherry barbs
And of course snails.
I feel like im forgetting something in this tank.....hmm....

2 dwarf gouramis (m&f)
1 mystery snail.

Thats all....for now. :) I'll be adding a 55 gallon planted tank when we move to the new house in the summer :)



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
All I've got is a male betta and a red wagtail platy, 2.5" and 2" in my five gallon.. there is an unwanted snail, though... i can't get him out of the tank!! o, why do people put the * in pl*co???


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Ok, well :)

10g (my nice tank)

2 Albino Cories
2 Honey Dwarf Gouramis
6 Skirted tetras
2 Chinese Algae Eaters
1 amano shrimp (there may be more left)

20G (Almost nice, plants wont grow in though... Not enough light)

1 Pleco
2 Koi AngelFish (around 1" body size)
2 Hybrid Black Angelfish (around 3/4" body size)
1 Hybrid black Angelfish (around 2" body size)

2 about to pop pregger female guppies (albinos)

2g hex
3 1" male guppies

1g triangle
Empty for the moment.



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Corvallis, Or
Hehehe amy ur 38 sounds alot like mine.. everything gets along, but it isnt one of those, tank, you really wanna show off 2 people...

Andy- what are you gunna do with the 1 gallon triangle tank?

tanks as of Nov 2
5.5g planted, Male betta

5.5g teeny goldfish: 1 white and red fantail, 2 orange and black orandas (one with a really nice head growth already) and 1 "black moor" aka chocolate fantail, as he's neither black, nor has the Moor eyes.

10g planted: 2m2f kribensis one pair with fry, white cloud mountan minnows as dithers

10g planted: con grow out, 2 zebra danios 2 pearl danios

10g shellies, pair neolamprologus brevis and one neolamprolgus elongatus brichardi

20g planted: 5 angelfish, 1 male apisto cacatuoides, 2 bumblebee catfish, 1 striped raphael (QTank for angels)

20g: 6 wild caught Ps Acei "luwala reef", 2 neolamprolgus multifasciatus

20g: 1 comet goldfish, 1 lionhead goldfish. boarding these pond fish for a friend

33g heavily planted: 2m dwarf gouramis, 2 f dwarf gouramis, 1 m powder blue dwarf gourami, 1m 1f pearl gourami, 5 norman's lampeye tetras, 4 golden pencilfish, 5 harlequin rasboras, 3 yoyo loaches, 3 clown loaches, 2 bronze cories, 5 SAE, 1 lace catfish, 2 clown plecos

27g 5 Ps zebra "red top", 3f kennyi, 1m2f obliquidens, 1 common pleco (small)

15g/long, planted 1m1f black convict and a zillion fry(discus and angel food)

15g/long 1m1f pink convict (fry will be discus and angel food), 5 cherry barbs, 2 white cloud mountain minnows

55g planted: 1 cobalt blue discus, 1 marlboro red discus, 2 red turquoise discus, 2 blue turquoise discus, 1 royal pleco, 2 clown plecos, 2 different "tiger" plecos, 1f bristlenose pleco, 11 lemon tetras, 5 German Blue Rams, 2 Bolivian Rams, 2 pepper cories, 2 schwartzi cories (this tank gets daily 20% w/c and 2xweekly 40% w/c)

65g African mbuna, no plants to speak of: 1m kennyi, 1m M johanni, 1m M Johanii, 4f johanni, 3 Ps zebra "pearlie", 1m(blue) labeotropheus fuelleborni, 1f(OB) lab fuelleborni, 2 labidochromis caerulus (yellow lab), 1 unsexed "red zebra", 4 Ps acei "white fins", 2 jewel cichlids, 1 BIG plec, about 12-14 johanni fry, 1-5months, 2 "mutt crabro/kennyi" fry. This tank gets 2x weekly 40% w/c

137g EMPTY
175g EMPTY


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Originally posted by Pooky125

Andy- what are you gunna do with the 1 gallon triangle tank?
Pooky: plant grow out probably... Not good for much more, unless I can find a heater for it! (So far all are to long) If I can find a heater, I'll probably use it as a Qtank for guppies... Need some more females :) Its annoying waiting for them to drop! Must need more! :D

I'm actually pretty impressed with the 2 gallon hex I picked up at wallyworld, pretty decent tank, we put a 13w flourescent in the hood, readily accepts a heater (if you cut the silly clear plastic piece that goes between the light and the water) Might pick up one or two more... The included air pump is SUPER quiet too, which is a big bonus!



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Calgary AB
Godzilla: I've heard of them, but the local walmart doesn't carry them (smallest they sell is 50w) tried to order one, but you can imagine the hassle, and gave up after 20 minutes in line...

Eventually I'll get one!


Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
One more for the thread . . .

29 gallon:

1 Rubber Nose/Mouth Pleco
4 Pearl Gouramis
4 Dwarf Flame Gouramis
5 Julii Corys
5 Red Eye Tetras
1 Red Tail Black Shark
1 African Dwarf Frog

1 gallon triangle

1 Male Betta

Not sure if I could add more to the 29 gallon . . . what do you all think? It has a Penguin BioWheel 125 and a AquaClear Mini so filtration is above the curve.

Nov 5, 2002
Auburn, CA
Actually the Rubber Mouth is a small variety of the Plecos. lists it as only 5 - 6 inches. Well OK that can be a bit large for a 29 gallon I guess.

The Pearls should not get too aggressive - I was under the impression that they were a fairly non-aggressive variety of Gourami.

The Shark may get large . . . the biggest I have seen is about 5 - 6 inches.

With all of the above in mind I am hoping that I can afford a new tank in a year or so. It was hard enough convincing my wife to get the 29 :p