How many tanks and what kind of fish?


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Dells
Here's my collection:

65g (cracked, repaired and very stained) downstairs in shop
1 Red Devil 7" male
4 hybrid offspring (Red/Texas) they're white

46g BF dining room
1 Livingstonii
1 Venustus
1 Pl*co(common I think it was free)

35g hallway
1 P.S. "Chewere"
2 Lab. Car. "White"

28g BF living room
1 Texas 6" female

20g M.T.
10g M.T.

Not very many fish but all different and seperated.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Gee Cloth, you could start your own little cory industry there<G>.

Hmm... Guess I'll type out my tanks one more time...

29 gallon (Goldfish)
1 blue oranda "Jasper" that never developed a wren?
1 red butterfly fantail "Jester" the feeder rescue
1 red veil fantail "Joker"
2 calico veil fantail "Julian & Baby fish"
2 red/white ryukin "Jake and Justin"
1 black telescope (moor) "Jack"
1 Sun cat "Sun cat"

Yes this tank is a bit overstocked, considering Jasper is now fully 6" after three years of living with me, and Jester is 5". If only I had the room and the money I'd get them all a 55 gallon. I've a Marineland 330 fliter on it and water change 10 gallons once a week with complete gravel vac. They're great, like having a whole lot of doggies! None of them are show quality, but they're all unique and beautiful in their own right.

20 gallon tall
4 Green cories
3 Black skirt tetras
3 Bloodfin tetras
2 Longfin Blue Danios
2 Baby Black convicts
2 Clown Pleco
1 Honey Thicklip Gorumi
1 Green Tiger Barb
1 Rainbow Shark

Started out pretty much as a "catch all" tank that's going on three years. When I worked for the LFS people would bring back fish, and I would end up adopting them, as was the case with the danios and convicts. Or I'd see a fish that wasn't a very popular sell and decide to get some because I felt bad, as with the bloodfins. The rainbow shark was the smallest one in the tank and remained in the store for so long I figured I'd give him a good home. The Tiger Barb killed off his schoolmates, so he will continue to live a solitary life until I can get them a bigger tank. Another Marineland 330 on this one, and weekly 6 gallon water changes and gravel vac. It has seen some death, the 2 white skirts, one of the bloodfins, but I suspect it was because they end up being bottom of the pecking order and unable to compete, not because of water chemistry or quality.

6 Gallon Eclipse System Six
5 White Cloud Mountain Minnows
2 Green cories
1 Purple Male Betta "Mr. Betta"

This tank was an impulse buy, I just love the whole filter set up and the sleek style. Unforunately Mr. Betta had a run in with fin rot which he got from the addition of some new white clouds. Three of those white clouds died as well! I was severely disappointed. I've been dosing the tank with tetracycline for two weeks now, and while it has stopped the progression of the disease, I can only hope it will fight off infection long enough for Mr. Betta to heal. This fish is probably going on four years old now, and it would be a shame to see this disease get the better of him!

1.5 Gallon UGF hex
1 Blue Male Betta "Mom's fish"

Okay, so I got a bit cheesy and bought my mom a betta she could keep on her desk at work in a pretty bowl for Mother's Day. She decided she didn't want to keep it on her desk, it took up too much space, so we moved him to the living room at home. Mom loved the fish, fed him every day, and visited him in the morning before she went to work. Then we rearranged the living room and he got displaced to my room and got new digs. So now I get to take care of him, she doesn't even come to visit anymore *sniffle* He's also going on about four years old.
