how to get rid of brown algea "diatoms"


Superstar Fish
Aug 10, 2006
Just remember that you will have to feed them algae wafers after the algae is gone. I would go for fewer, that way they will have more of a food source for longer. They are cute little guys and a nice addition to any tank.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
90 GAL FW COMMUNITY TANK- 1 GOLD SEVERUM<--fish eater, 6 ANGELS <--meh possible(3 OF THEM BABIES), 2 KRIBS (M & F), 6 CORYS, 1 PICTUS CATFISH <--fish eater(ROOMATES FISH), 1 BLUE BOTIA<----gets large enough to be a fish eater but not sure of his rep in doing so.

Otos in your tank may disappear over time. In my 90 cause of my sevs I went out and found giant otos (search Hypotopoma Gulare) and they do a great job on everything and can't be eaten also they are more hardy.

Lone, in your tank it may have something to do with any ferts you have dosed (far stretch) but every one of my 8 species of Ancistrus keep their tanks diatom free, it is def on the menu for BNs.


Large Fish
Oct 30, 2006
big54bob said:
how big is the pictus anyway
about 2 1/2" maybe 3". i have seen him get a litte nasty with the corys who come around his terr. which is under the backside of my XL pirate ship bow.

plus the blue botia also gets nasty with the pictus cat too, during feedings.


Elite Fish
Nov 1, 2005
Jacksonville, FL
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Apr 5, 2009
Hello all, I have been reading and researching many site's for information
Regarding ( Brown Algae ) And have yet been able to find any real answers.

I will explain,

I have ( 3 ) 4-5in albino Tiger Oscars, ( 4 ) 3-4in pictus cats,
( 4 ) Large Angles, and ( 5 ) 4-6in african cichlids

tank stats.
29 gallon
175watt top lighting with hood
under gravel bio filter, also a Emperor 400 filter that hangs on back of tank
( 2 ) fusion quiet power air pump
( 3 ) Aeration figurines
( 1 ) 200watt heater
( 2 ) artificial plants
( 16 ) various decorations ( IE ) Castle, Light tower, Shells, Caves etc.
( 1 ) 200 gallon magnet cleaner.

In note this is my first Aquarium. It was set up for my 1 year old son and I'm still learning, I have spent out a lot of money so far, and i want to keep this tank at full par before upgrading to a 120 gallon tank. please if anyone can give me a clue as to why I have brown algae, I'd be great full.

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unwritten law

Superstar Fish
Sep 2, 2008
too much lightning... and death... Get rid of everything from that tank besides either the Africans or the angels... preferably keep the angles and ditch the rest or start over

Apr 5, 2009
So you think I went overboard?
I have had my tank set up for 3-4 weeks now and have not had any fish die ammonia levels are at ( 0 )

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Jun 21, 2008
Yes, your stocking is definitely overboard. If you use the general rule of thumb of 1" of fish (adult, full grown size) per 1 gallon, you have approximately 68.5" of fish in a 29 gallon (I guesstimated the angels at 4"). That's more than twice as much fish as should be in there. I'm surprised they have room to swim, actually, since they're all already pretty big. Now, you can fudge the stocking a bit, and if you're really going to get a 120 gallon, most of them can go in there size wise. Your other, just as big, issue is compatibility. My general understanding is that african cichlids should only be kept with other african cichlids. The tiger oscars need about 50 gallons per pair, (or maybe for each one, I don't keep them, so I don't remember). I would agree that you should rehome in the very near future everything but the angels. You could maybe get away with the angels and the pictus cats, but I haven't read up on them lately so I'm not sure.
Ok, as far as levels go. Is your tank cycled? Do you know what cycling means? Have you been doing water changes? If you've been checking levels, let us know what those are/have been and we can give you more specific advice on where in the cycling process you might be.
Also, your lighting right now is at about 6 wpg (watts per gallon), which is overkill even for many plants, and completely not necessary for just fish, and could very well lead to algae problems. Out of curiosity, why do you have so much light on the tank? Also, mods, I don't know if this needs to become a new thread?


Superstar Fish
Jul 13, 2005
Western NC
You could put the oscars into the 120 gallon you're going to get, keep the angels and pictus cats in the 29 (when the angels pair off you'll probably have to get rid of the two that aren't the breeding pair as the pair will become very territorial), and either get rid of the africans or buy another tank for them.

New tanks generally go through a phase of having brown algae, but you do have a lot of lighting on that tank. How did you get such high lighting? Just curious.

Post up test results of ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate and we can help you see just where your tank is in regard to water quality.

Mar 13, 2009
Poconos, PA
I have had my tank set up for 3-4 weeks now and have not had any fish die ammonia levels are at ( 0 )
How did you manage this (0 Ammonia) in only 3-4 weeks?? You did a fish-in cycle? and no deaths?
You're either more experienced than your letting on...or something is... fishy, lol.

I recommend purchasing a testing kit so that you know what your levels are. This can help you save many fish and will be greatly useful in this hobby. It will set you back about $30 bucks but you will never regret buying it. : )