i Got my LIVE ROCK!!


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Ok so i ordered 20 pounds of live rock and it is my first time starting a saltwater aquarium so i was excited. When i got it i knew that i was going to want more for aquascaping and stuff like that so i have already been in the process of pushing it on my mom (credit card!!) But over all the live rock was great. She says that once my tank clears up and doesnt look so "dirty" that i can get some more. She thinks that these things happen over night. I have tried cleaning everything. Inside outside filters skimmers, everything. It still is cloudy. I have 2 powerheads one barely counts and one is high powered (525 gph) i have a 29g and the layout of my tank is somewhat simple the rock is in the middle of the tank and what i think keeps happening is that the phs keep moving the sand around and making it blow up into the water causing it to stay cloudy. But i have tried everything i have the powerheads all the way to the top of the tank and still pushes the sand around. I included some pictures of my tank please help me out i really want some more lr. If this doesnt work i will be updating them so hold tight.


Joe Fish

Superstar Fish
Apr 21, 2006
Penn State
Your tank is going to go through a cycle unless it was cycled already. if the live rock is full cured, which I doubt, you are going to have a ammonia spike while the stuff dies off. If you bought it locally you might not have to worry too much. Your tank will be cloudy at this time. This takes time it would be best to review some of the stickies. Get some test strips to get a rough reading on what's going on.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
i got it from ocean pro aquatics good product 2 thumbs up. But back to the subject so it wont clear up until everything is going good?
so i should get some more rock so i dont have to wait till this is cured then wait again.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
dont open the lights? i dont understand but back to the other stuff yeah it is ls that i got at petco and another thing what do you mean by sponge filter should i go out and by a sponge and put it on the input water part?


Elite Fish
May 13, 2005
South Carolina
Yes you put a sponge on the intake so that less sand goes in, which is part of the reason the it wont clear up on you. Also KahluaZzZ means dont turn on the lights for a couple of days. I will help clear up some of the algae in the water. And I agree with Limi 100% do a water change. I would honeslty say do a 50% water change.

1) How long do you leave the light on?
2) Do you know if your LR was cured?
3) What equipment do you have on this tank? (i.e. Brands, size....ect.)


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
i leave my lights on for 1/2 the day
yes my rock was cured (said it was)
and i have a prizm skimmer redsea) then the powerhead that acttually works is a viaaqua va306 also i have a hob filter that came with the tank that im using also.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
what would be the point of taking out the filter? i just replaced it if that is what u mean. Also i really dont have ne problems with my skimmer. One more thing how do i know if i have enough flow i read the sticky but it really doesnt answer any questions that i have.
Thanks for the help


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
my skimmer does produce a almost jelly looking guck and my total gph is about 600 but i put this sponge over the input part of my large powerhead and now it seems like alot less.


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
1500? i have trouble keeping the sand in place with 1/3 of that how will i do it with 3x more? Also i have my ph pointing at the very top of my tank. Whoever said put a sponge on ur powerhead TYTYTYTY i got home after a school meeting and it was clear YEA! I can see my background.