i Got my LIVE ROCK!!


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
Ok i took some more pictures but i would still like to know how you guys keep your sand or what ever substrate you use on the bottom of your tank that was part of the reason my tank was so cloudy. The ph would push the sand somehow and cause it to go in the water. Sometimes i wake up in the morning and there is a huge pile of sand then i see a hugh pile of nothing. It moves how do i stop it?

look at the diffrence lol thanks guys

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
nice you cant stop the power heads from making your water clowdy but what i'm sure we all do is ajust are PH's so they dont hit the sand as much but if you point them on the LR you shouldn't have as much of a probblem

EDIT i was looking at your pic's i see what you mean when you say you see nothing in some spots your sand isn't real deap that's why i would add another inch of sand maybe if you can of plan/aqua sand but that might mess up your stuff do whatever you want :D

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Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
so you think i should add some plain sand? Wont that hurt my live sand. I also plan on getting another powerhead so im pretty sure my problems are solved besides that one.

Can you point your powerhead in a different direction? Like maybe tilt it upwards or towards the middle. What I think is happening is the ph hits that flat glass and the flow goes down, making it move your sand. I have 5 pounds of sand in my 2.5g minibow and the sand doesn't move at all. I think it's because I have my ph tilted up and not pointing straight. I also have some of my live rock under the flow from my HOB so that it doesn't disturb the sand.

Good luck with your tank *thumbsups


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Also which I believe hasn't been noted....once your tank cycles and the sand is coated with the beneficial bacteria it will weigh it down and it will be less likely to move around as much. You should re-direct your powerheads more towards the surface as that is what you are trying to do.......disrupt the surface to create better oxygen exchange......

i think you need more live rock, and that will break up the currents, and it wont screw with your sand bed. i also agree about adding more sand. adding more "plain" sand wont hurt your live sand. quite the opposite because the new plain sand will grow the bacteria and also become live. i reccomend about 60 lbs of sand total. this is a 29 gallon tank right?


Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
yea i think im going to go buy 20 pounds of sand soon but do i need to sanitize it ne way. Also i am going to buy another ph after the sand then after the ph i will get some more rock.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
I'm 99.9% sure that means that it can shoot 850gph at a strate angle like for a PH it'd do 850gph i think but if you put it as a sump shooting up a 3 foot PVC pipe into a tank it'd probably do like 500gph but like i said I'm not 100% sure but i think that's what i means,
good luck!

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Large Fish
Mar 12, 2006
i did purchase one and i hope it gets here soon. Tomarrow i will probably buy some sand. Today i took a long time getting this sand by my house ready to put in the tank. Then i put a handful in and the colors looked gross together so yea about a hour of work for nothing but w/e im getting the ls that i got at petco so it matches then ill add some pics.