I just bought this incredible betta!


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
The babies have gotten so big! They have fins now too! Little tiny fins, but fins all the same. Admiral and Jaws have been put together again and we're hoping they'll spawn soon. Admiral built this huge bubblenest so we're thinking he's ready. My betta, Chance, has also been making bubblenests but he's to young to spawn :( , I know he wants to but he's just a baby. Speaking of Chance, he got some new tankmate yesterday, for anues (Is that spelled right?) corys and a black mystery snail named Jet.
I'm going to get a female for him too as soon as I have enough money.


Superstar Fish
Feb 17, 2005
Wow, breeding siamese fighting fish! I have been really wanting to get a nice male betta for my 29gallon tank, but I have a couple of gouramis int here, and I know it would be greusome, so I wait.

What were the colors/color patterns of the parents that spawned (Jaws and Admiral)? I've seen some really awesome coloring patterns at The Wet Spot, the best I've ever seen. Some of them even look like red white and blue tie dyed T-shirts.


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
NoDeltaH2O said:
What were the colors/color patterns of the parents that spawned (Jaws and Admiral)? I've seen some really awesome coloring patterns at The Wet Spot, the best I've ever seen. Some of them even look like red white and blue tie dyed T-shirts.
The colors of the parents are very different from each other. Admiral is a metalic blue veil-tail with irregular white tips on his fin. Jaws is a metalic, silver-bronze plakat with a sort of stripped pattern on her sides(outside of mating).
As for the lack of updates, I'm really sorry, my computer went and I haven't gottenit fixed so I have to wait till I'm at the library, or on break at computer class, or at a friends house (Where I'm at right now.)
The babies developed their labryinth orogon (not spelled right) and tail and dorsol fins!! *SUPERSMIL In another few weeks they'll have color and afew weeks after that they'll get all shiny!
I like shiny! ;)


Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
The babies have gotten finnage!!! They are almost all either veil-tail or plakats, kinda funny, like in the cartoons when a cat and a dog get married and the offspring are two cats and two dogs, instead of freaks of nature. The babies also have color! Most of them are silver and blue (my favorite) and a few are green and red.
They eat like pigs now! Just one batch of them can eat a frozen daphnia cube and a frozen brine-shrimp cube in one day, and there are about ten batches! There's this one little one that has to be the dimmest betta I have ever seen! He seemes to think that if he bites the corner of his container hard enough food will come! We felt so bad for him that we squirted food into his little corner, now he's doing it even more! I worry about him.


Medium Fish
Aug 1, 2005
Sandtiger, it sounds like your bettas had Columnaris bacteria. That's what killed off most of mine but it took me too long to finally diagnose it, I thought it was fin rot together with Velvet, so I was giving them the wrong medication. ;_; I always give my new fish either a salt bath or start medicating the tank water right away as a precaution. I am sorry about your fishies though.

And congrats on the new kids ^-^

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Large Fish
Mar 2, 2005
Simi Valley, CA
He's better now, he dosen't peck at the tank so much. I finally got my own betta from the spawn, a big silver and blue! In the tank he was one of the "generals", the guys that kept the other fish in line. I watched the fish get fed and it was really funny, the water was practically boiling with fish, they were everwhere!
I'm not really sure what I sould call my "general", any ideas?