So sorry I forgot my emoticons when I wrote that. I was trying to be light and sarcastic in making a joke. <G> must be too old school for some of you.
You asked for people's opinions. My option was that I would not use a log type program that you are describing because I had a job that was antal-retentive about log keeping. I do not see log keeping as fun.
But I did make some suggestions for you that said perhaps you would like to add some space to your program to provide breeders an area to record information that general hobbiest might not use: such as spawning dates, fry survival rates, and soo forth, to make your application have some universal appeal. You did also ask for some suggestions. I thought by offering these suggestions I was being helpful, since that is the nature of the board. Also, in offering these suggestions, I thought what you had would be a good idea and could indeed benefit people like breeders with such a program as you describe.
When I said for -my- hobby, I was referring to -my- tanks and how I choose to take care of them. Keeping logbooks for me would ruin -my- fun and the pleasure I get from -my-tanks. I did not mean to imply that the entire world of aquatic husbandry was mine, although, again -in my opinion- having logbooks might take the fun out of fish tank keeping for some people. Do you know how many customers I would have lost if the first thing I said to them was, "Oh, in order to have a fish tank, you have to keep a daily log of everything"? Some people find logkeeping a chore and may not go into the aqautic hobby if they thought keeping a log was essential. If you have discovered a way to make it fun, then good for you. Perhaps it might yet instill people to take better care of their tanks.
If keeping a logbook and writing record keeping programs float your boat, by all means, have a good time. I do know people who have logs for their personal tanks and take very special pains to keep track of everthing either in a paper notebook or on Microsoft Excel (which BTW is an excellent program for the purpose you describe). That is fun for them, and hey, all the more power to them for it.
Oh, BTW, I am permitted to portray whatever thoughts I wish to under the First Admendment of the Constitution of the United States of America short of endangering people's lives by shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre. Unless you can prove how -my opinion- on the above mentioned application for fish tank logkeeping is endangering anybody's life, I suggest you keep yourself an open mind.
So sorry I forgot my emoticons when I wrote that. I was trying to be light and sarcastic in making a joke. <G> must be too old school for some of you.
You asked for people's opinions. My option was that I would not use a log type program that you are describing because I had a job that was antal-retentive about log keeping. I do not see log keeping as fun.
But I did make some suggestions for you that said perhaps you would like to add some space to your program to provide breeders an area to record information that general hobbiest might not use: such as spawning dates, fry survival rates, and soo forth, to make your application have some universal appeal. You did also ask for some suggestions. I thought by offering these suggestions I was being helpful, since that is the nature of the board. Also, in offering these suggestions, I thought what you had would be a good idea and could indeed benefit people like breeders with such a program as you describe.
When I said for -my- hobby, I was referring to -my- tanks and how I choose to take care of them. Keeping logbooks for me would ruin -my- fun and the pleasure I get from -my-tanks. I did not mean to imply that the entire world of aquatic husbandry was mine, although, again -in my opinion- having logbooks might take the fun out of fish tank keeping for some people. Do you know how many customers I would have lost if the first thing I said to them was, "Oh, in order to have a fish tank, you have to keep a daily log of everything"? Some people find logkeeping a chore and may not go into the aqautic hobby if they thought keeping a log was essential. If you have discovered a way to make it fun, then good for you. Perhaps it might yet instill people to take better care of their tanks.
If keeping a logbook and writing record keeping programs float your boat, by all means, have a good time. I do know people who have logs for their personal tanks and take very special pains to keep track of everthing either in a paper notebook or on Microsoft Excel (which BTW is an excellent program for the purpose you describe). That is fun for them, and hey, all the more power to them for it.
Oh, BTW, I am permitted to portray whatever thoughts I wish to under the First Admendment of the Constitution of the United States of America short of endangering people's lives by shouting "fire" in a crowded theatre. Unless you can prove how -my opinion- on the above mentioned application for fish tank logkeeping is endangering anybody's life, I suggest you keep yourself an open mind.