i need help i have ick

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Chuck Nasty

Medium Fish
Apr 21, 2005
Houston Texas
Well i had that crap in my tank and i used that kick ick and it was the worst thing i ever did to my tank.The best thing i think is to do is raise the tem in your tank to 82 and the ick will fall right off of the fish.That was the only thing that got it out of my tank.

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
why don't you tell us a little about your system and then perhaps we can be more helpful...size, inhabitants, etc will be useful

my first big question is: do you have live rock or inverts in this system?
my second big question is: do you have a quarantine tank set up?

Jul 8, 2005
i have a 55 gallon tank and a 16 gallon observation tank
i have live rock, a sidesticking starfish and a brittle star, and a snail ooh yeah and i have one anoeme that i really dont care about so if i have to get rid of him its fine

ive tried everything i have changed the temp and ive also used man different meds for the tans


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
well, copper medications should kill the ich...the problem is that with live rock and other inverts in your system you will also kill all of that life. you need to QT all the fish which are infected in your observation tank, medicate that tank, and then give the display tank about 6 weeks for all of the free living ich to die off...it should then be safe to re-introduce the fish into the display


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
why the he double hockey sticks do you have a shark in a 55...they need several hundered gallons at minimum? i am not sure what affect ich meds will have on a shark (or if they can get ich) but if you do not know how to deal with a case of ich then you have no business attempting to keep a shark

what exactly do you have in this tank?

you could buy a large rubbermaid container to use as a QT setup until your tank is safe again...one way or the other you need to remove the fish and medicate

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Superstar Fish
May 24, 2005
Chesapeake, Va
yeah - I saw this website of this guy yesterday that wanted a shark tank. Guess what he did! He built a 1700 gallon aquarium in his basement. Yeah sharks are cool but - ya know. Our lfs keeps three in a 1000 gallon like pound thing with eels.

On another note though - he may need special treatment because he's considered a scale-less fish right? So you might not be able to dose with meds for him in the same tub or whatever as the other fish.

Just a side note - overcrowding can cause an outbreak of ick.


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The shark has to go. If your quality is good it will survive and outgrow the tank in short order, if it's not so good it will die pretty quickly.
As far as ick goes , you have 2 real choices, copper or hyposalinity. Copper will kill everything except the fish, and some bacteria, hypo might well kill the 2 starfish and the anemone. Look on th web or in a book for fuller descriptions, or search in here, the treatment description is quite long. For hypo you need to take the salinity DOWN to 1.012 over a couple of days, and this has to be accurate so you need a refractometer or a decent floating hydrometer NOT a swingarm. The only meds I've heard work are I tihnk octozin, (Not available in US?), and Kent RX-P which to work needs high alk (11 +) and a decent skimmer and is not 100% invert friendly.
Really to fix this the most effective route is copper in a dedicated hospital tank, and NO FISH IN THE DISPLAY FOR 6 TO 8 WEEKS.

Jul 8, 2005
whatever lol

yall need to read up on yalls sharks this shark will only get to like 2 and a half feet long and then that would take years nevermind yall cuz the dude at my local fish store helped me and he helped me get rid of my ick with a special medication called marine max something and my fish are already alot better i would recomed this for everbody because its totally safe for any marine aquirum so yeah peace out and read a little about sharks

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Jul 8, 2005
whatever lol

yall need to read up on yalls sharks this shark will only get to like 2 and a half feet long and then that would take years nevermind yall cuz the dude at my local fish store helped me and he helped me get rid of my ick with a special medication called marine max something and my fish are already alot better i would recomed this for everbody because its totally safe for any marine aquirum so yeah peace out and read a little about sharks

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Superstar Fish
Jul 29, 2004
New Jersey
ahahah cant wait till you come back and ask for some help on why your shark is floating upside down and not eating.... but maybe that wont happen because you are "The Shark Expert" and we all need do a little reading on them....

All I can say is May god help your fish

Peace out and read up on how to take care of your fish

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
it will be tough for us to read up on the shark because you yourself don't know what kind it is, though i imagine it is an Epaulette. best of luck with all of that

but hey, at least everything is squared away with your ich; i can't say i trust any "reef safe" ich medications but that is just me...I am not sure you should really recomend the product either because you don't know what it is exactly and you have only been using it for a couple hours...what happens if everything is dead in a couple days?

when your 2 1/2 foot shark can't turn around in your 55 come back and see us...

Jul 8, 2005
lol yall are really funny gettin all defensive about fish come on people get a life is that all yall do is sit around and talk about fish all day long

marine max is a totally safe treatment for your fish its an all natural substance with a guarantee not to harm the fish or inverts. including live rock well hey i would gladly use this on all my marine tanks because if it will make my fish even act alot better by the next day

and i do kno the name of the shark seriously would i go and buy a shark and not know what the name is

Jul 8, 2005
lol oc fan when you get something other than a crappy nano cube you can start saying stuff if your that stupid to pay that much for a nano cube you dont even need to have fish
p.s. actually get a nice sized tank so you will atleast have something pretty to look at

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