i need help with my cichlid..

well i have had a male for a while now and i just got her resently and right when i got her my male was protecting her right away and keeping the others away from her ... then he dug her a bed next to my artificial tree stump, and now she is always laying in this bed while the male is sure there are no other fish next to her at any time..


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Just reading you signature right now...I think we have a few more issues then the convicts right now...
The clown pleco will be alright in the 30gal, but the common pleco will grow much too large for that tank. Secondly, the African cichlids should not be mixed with any of the other fish in that tank, and they get to large for a 30gal, and should be kept in groups with lots of rockwork etc. The pair of convict cichlids will also become far to agressive for that tank, and potentially harm the other fish in the tank. Jack dempsey grows too large and should also not be mixed with any of the fish in that tank...Texas also grows far too large, along with the eels...


Superstar Fish
Jul 15, 2006
Thats good to hear. Just remember to research, research, research the fish before you buy.
And the smaller fish with the convicts...not really a good idea, unless they are super fast I'd say.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
ive had convicts. when spawning they are dangerous. ive heard stories where they corner 8" oscars. dont think thier nice in the least. my male used to jump out of the water just to nip me when i fed them. and eventually your plecos will get torn up. i kept my 3 inch common pleco with my pair and they bit his eye to the point he lost it along with many fins.
and the eel will need a larger tank and put into saltwater. theres no such thing as a freshwater eel. the peacock eel, is technically not even an eel.

and you cant really keep anything with the convicts but other convicts or larger fish. i kept mine with a few lucky guppies but thats because they just decided not to eat them.

and once they do begin to breed, if you have a pair, then you will have fry eaten by other fish and if you get rid of the other fish then you will having fry that grow up only to be eaten by the parents to make room for a new spawn.

convicts are not community fish in the least and should not be kept with smaller fish.

well my tank has lots of rock and orniments , so each fish sorta has there own territory and as long as nothing gose in there teritorry its fine.. i know there not community fish but they will not hurt my other fish .. and for the fry , i have a breeder net to put them in untill they get big enogh to sell to my local pet store.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
one would hope they wouldnt...but they are cichlids and convicts none the less. so they will eventually bother the other fish.

and most stores wont take convicts, eccspecially chain stores because thier just not really aloud to. and then others wont because of how accesible they are.


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Snowy Upstate New York
c-dizzle, you ask the advice of the people on this site, then you get upset when they tell you you need to do some things differently.

If you care about your fish, I would follow the advice of the very knowledgeable people who have offered you some advice. If all you care about is not getting your ego bruised, then go ahead and do your own thing...