i should know better...


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
well i got one in the new tank and all is well...i'll be moving the others soon

i tried the live brine shrimp on him and he ate them...he kinda hopped along the sand like he was hunting them (very sneaky;) ) took him awhile to get them because of the act he was putting on*laughingc but he got em...thats probably why they havent eaten in the other tank...while theyre playing around, the other fish are just snapping everything up

*breaths sigh of relief*

hes also alot more active in the new tank*thumbsups

420-pacu are a nice fish...maybe i'll build a pond (er...lake) for them someday :D



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
here's a list of common names that might help you find them:

butterfly goby (grrrr :))
freshwater waspfish/scorpion
leaf goblin
false scorpion

here's what i found out so far about them so far:

dont seem to be able to have tankmates (to much competition for food) tho i did add a couple ghost shrimp to help keep the bottom clean

probably require live food

seem to be brackish...i have them at 1.004 right now (didnt want to stress them too much in the move) toying with the idea of going higher over time...any ideas anyone?

i went with sand as substrate since they seem to spend alot of time on the bottom also that way the live food cant wriggle their way to safety like they can in gravel*laughingc...also they alot easier to see on the sand, they stand out more

well, off to move the other 2 :D



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
i got 3 cuz they were 4.99 each but 3/12.00...i'm a sucker for that sort of thing:)

might only be 2 soon tho :( one of them hasnt been looking good all day i though maybe a little more salt would perk him up but its not looking good for him, the other 2 are doing great tho:D

i dont know what there max size is...lfs said 4" to 5" but they dont exactly have my complete confidence;) i think i saw somewhere 7" but i'm not sure if thats right either

i'm willing to get them a larger tank if i have to, so i guess i'll just wait and see



Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Racine, WI
thanks angel...he seems like he's feeling better already...not clamped anymore or hiding like he was but still kind of dark and not as active as the other two...still worried but at least he's showing improvement so i'm hopeful

yeah :D i cant wait to see them when theyre full grown...very cool fish



Medium Fish
Jun 16, 2003
This might be a long shot, but ask your lfs who their fish supplier is. And maybe you can phone/email them directly to get info about them.

As for catching those little spiny buggers, I use a small kitty litter scoop I bought at WalMart for 96 cents. Just watch out for the "jumpers" and the "floppers":D