I suck :(


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
Actually having said that you may not have the space afterall..

6 mollies = 3 inches fully grown, 18 inches altogether and 18 inches filled.
3 tigers = 2 inches each, 6 inches all together, now 24 inches filled.
3 scissor tails, 4 inches each, 12 inches together, 36 inches filled.

You're probably a bit over - I forgot how big scissortails grow. They don't tend to stay around each other the less there are in the tank and tend to be more shy. Can you have a search on google and see if they actually are scissortailed rasboras? They may have been mislabeled at the store and therefore I could be giving advice for a totally different fish! I just assumed they were these from scissortail zebra fish.

Okay, well, I don't know, what do you think I should do, I have all of these in a 30 gallon tank, I didn't realize they grew THAT big, and I'm hoping to add these shrimp, what do you suggest, I like them all, but I could return the tiger barbs for something else possibly? IDK, someone help me??? And IDK, they are small, but they are elongated, still small though and there tails look like scissors cutting when they swim through the water, is that what the rasbora thingy is?


Medium Fish
Jan 28, 2009
Auburn, AL
yea I'd return either the barbs or the scissor tails. If you return the scissor tails like everyone else said get more tiger barbs. All thats been said already I was just wondering if you ever went to brackish because I don't think shrimp do to well in brackish(but I'm not sure). If you didn't then I'd return the scissor tails and get 3 more barbs and some shrimp it'll give you 6 inches so you'll be at 30 inches. I don't think the shrimp will add too much to your bio-load and I think it all be fine if you just get about five or less shrimp.

Allright, well my Dad is basically in control of this and if I tell him the advice you guys said he is gonna get... Well, you know... Anyone got any ideas on this, I'm afraid that if I... Well, maybe... Okay, well, my Dad wants to get an aquarium to hang above the wall right here above the computer, maybe I could give him some of my fish?? Please help, I know my Dad will get mad with me, even though I do my research on this crap he thinks he knows all about it when all he does is go out, get me fish unexpectedly, and think that they will be okay together...


Superstar Fish
Aug 12, 2008
Manchester, UK
A wall aquarium? Are these those horrible things that are made to look like pictures and have a tiny amount of water in?

Very impractical, hard to clean, and can only house a very limited variety of fish. And also a bit cruel considering they're generally about 4 inches wide.

I don't know what advice to give you about your dad, that's a bit of a sticky situation. I'd just try and politely suggest, give ideas, and see what happens, rather than saying "this is wrong, this is wrong, this is wrong".

Okay, so my Dad went out with me and bought five more fish... So now I got that on my hands, and he's not getting a wall aquarium, he doesn't know yet, he's thinking about buying a 55 gallon aquarium we saw in the newspaper for $50 bucks... So I might just try to give him some of mine to make him feel this is something we are doing together, I guess... Okay, thanks you guys, I don't know what will happen but if it's bad I'll just have to pick myself up and dust myself off... On a side note, I'm doing research on the wild sea life I find in sea weed beds lol...