I Think My Cycle Is Complete??


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Ok. I did some tests last night on my 55 gallon and I am reading some nitrates but no nitrites and the ammonia is still a little high. Is my cycle almost complete?

Also, my 10 gallon is reading very high nitrites and nitrates and almost no ammonia. Is that cycle complete yet?? I would appreciate the feedback.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
No, its not yet cycled, how long has it been?  the nitrogen cycle should go Ammonia-Nitrite and then Nitrate. If Ammonia and Nitrite is at 0, and you only have Nitrates, then your tank is fully cycled...


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I am in the sam satuation, i think.
My new tank had little amonia, high lvl of nitrite that won't wear off after 3 week.  recently i have added pure amonia to the tank (7ppm), and 2 days later it droped to 3ppm, so i know at least the amonia --> nitrite part is working.  But how long does it take to fully cycle the tank?
btw, i found that adding amonia rises pH.

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002

You keep the same dosage if you are fully stocking your tank when complete.Looks like you still need some nitrosomonas bacteria(ammonia to nitrIte)

If you are not fully stocking the tank, like only putting half the fish in, you could half the ammonia, and you should have plenty of extra bacteria to give you 0 ammonia, 0 nitrItes, and some to a lot of nitrAtes. whatever you decide, when it hits 0-0-X(nitrAtes), I would go one extra day, recheck, and if the same 0-0-X, you are cycled.

You then do a water change(without touching the filter), to reduce the nitrAtes. Fish shopping time.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
The Blue Planet
I'de say your 10 is almost done.  You should do a water change on it - and check it again in a few days.

As far as the 55, with high ammonia, 0 nitrItes and measurable nitrAtes - I don't know.  Could something have halted a cycle causing a new cycle to start?  You'll have to see what the big fish say...

But you are soooo close on your 10.  And you thought it would never happen   ;)

Matt Nace

Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Oh that right asp, sorry bud. I forgot your 55 gallon was the one with fish in it, and you got a bio-wheel for it.

It can get confusing who is doing what in their tanks.(to me anyways) *twirlysmiley*

If the ammonia is high...I would do a water change. No use hurting your fish , when it will cycle soon enough anyway.

Man, see I was off base the whole thread, I thought you were fishless cycling this tank....doh.

You should not be adding any ammonia, just the fish waste producing it.

For the 10 gallon, 1/2 the cap.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Yeah, I added a 1/2 cap last night to the 10 gallon. It is reading VERY high nitrItes and high nitrAtes. I would say it is almost finished as well. I just don't understand what is going on with my 55. The ammonia has come down considerably than what it used to be. It's like my fish are invincible to this stuff. It doesn't even phase them. They are doing great. I just want to get this thing cycled. It doesn't make any sense that I have plenty ammonia in that tank for the bacteria to feed on. What could be stopping it?

Also, what kind of feeder fish do you recommend feeding my oscar. I have fed him rosies before but I just want to ask you to see what you think.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Not a big fish by any means, and I apologize if this has been addressed in other threads re: Asp's 55.  But haven't I heard elsewhere, that certain additives can give false ammo readings?  Like if your H2O treatment uses Chloramine and your declor binds the "chlor" leaving the "amine" to mess wid your test results but not the fish.  Cripes this is getting deep, si?  I'll shuold really leave it to the bigguns-(Cole, Matt et al)

Just curious cuz the fish are happy and the nitrItes & "Ates" are OK?  I'm flaunting my ignorance here, aren't I?:)

Pre MFT, if I had Asp's problem, I would get a 16oz bottle of "Cycle" from PetWarehouse,  throw in some gravel from a healthy established tank, and, if I had some estblshd filter media, like a bag of charcoal from an AquaClear, throw that in, change some water and say ten Hail Marys.  

I guess all that's probably bin dun huh? Doh!

Well, I know cycle is controversial, but yusin that stuff just makes me FEEL better.  Has anyone ever tried to actually culture it?  To see if it does have live bacteria?  If you believe Hagen's lit, this stuff's da bomb!:D

I know. I'm ramblin'  Gotta go 4 I freeze the server or whatever.

Peace Y'all


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
OK guys. I finally got a good Nitrate test kit. I tested my 55 and I have about 40 ppm of nitrate!!!!!!!!!!!! I am guessing that is good. You tell me. In fact, I think I am closer than we thought. I have lots of nitrate, no nitrite and about 4.0 ppm of ammonia, which is very low compared to what it used to be. You know, I wonder if my cycle has been complete and I am getting bad readings on the ammonia. What do you think?


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Do not add any more ammonia.

Wait until the ammonia, and nitrIIIIIte become 0.

You should have around 200ppm nitrate when this happens

do a 100% waterchange

dechlor, let PH stabilize and temperature and ADD FISH