i went shoping


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
that doesn't tell me much....many anemones look like that....you need to know the name to properly accomodate it. You should never buy anything that you don't know what it is. give us a pic at least maybe we can tell what they are. Anemones gain most of their sustanence from light and filtering food around them and if you DO feed them they eat fish. such as a piece of silversides every week or so.....most die from over feeding and not enough light making them expel their zoanthelle and then surely dying by starving to death. Not a nice prognosis for an elegant animal.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
i really looked over the anemones has tan-ish pink tentacles with bright pink dots on the tips of them giving me the idea that it's a pink tip but when i see them there white with pink dots were this ones tan-ish pink
the other one i think is a zebra anemone it has tan-ish brown tentacles with gray stripes and some tentacles are yellow-ish the pictures i took arn't coming out right...


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
that doesnt tell me what they are......many have those looks.....so pictures are the only way we can tell, look in some books and at wetwebmedia to see what they are.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
The coral is/are green star polyps and encrusting type which will spread. they are a good beginner coral that should do fine in your tank The anemones look like a curly que and possibly a condylactis. I am not familiar with the curlyque or zebra??? and not much info is out there on them but the condy is an okay beginner type anemone which do not host clownfish as a rule and actually can eat fish...so.....if it isn't it could be a lta which is totally unsuitable for your tank and is destined to die......if it is a condy they like to wander and will no doubt sting everything that they touch....so be forwarned..good luck.

Sep 26, 2006
New Jersey
Ahhh! star polyp thats it! it was on the top of my tung and the anemones arn't clown host? hmm that sucks my lfs dude said it'd be good for clowns and damselfish i think he said but i might try to see about making a hang in tank so they'd be away from the fish and corals if they would hurt stuff but i'm not sure but thank you for the ID'ing
BTW the coral is purple but its called a green star weird

PS you mean lta> Long Tentacle Anemone?

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