Ick on my Royal Gramma


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
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fresh water dips

the fresh water dips can be really stressful , how long did you leave the CB in for? some fish can't take more than 2 or 3 min or it will kill them, while others i have found can stand up to 7-8 min, the best thing to do is to ask the petstore owner that you bought it from who is prefferably knoledgable and they can usually tell you how long to dip for


Medium Fish
Jun 3, 2003
Saint Louis
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Garlic doesn't treat ich, it is used by soaking food in it, and in return, it provides a defense to disease because it is full of vitamin C. I think you are right aresgod, I think the freshwater dip killed my CB. He seemed to be doing ok in the dip, but after about 8 minutes I took him out because he still seemed to be doing ok which isn't normal. After I put him back in saltwater, he was acting really weird, laying on his side and gasping for air. He did this for about 3 hours and died. I am about 99% sure he died from shock because he had a tiny bit of white powder on him, but there is no way that killed him. It was only on there for about 3 hours, and he took me 2 hours to catch in my tank, so he was still pretty strong. I cut my losses and learned the QT tank. Best idea in saltwater!!


Elite Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Agree that saltwater dips are tricky. You have to match the temperature and pH, but just leave the salinity out, else the temperature and pH shock will usually do the fish no good at all.
I've heard garlic can stop parasites attaching by making the whole fish taste of garlic so it tastes bad , or at least wierd to the parasite.
Preferably your lfs owner knows what he's talking about, but all too often they don't, and come up with some real fairy stories.