I'm setting up eight 10 gallon tanks at a night club. I'm trying to think of what fish to put in them. I have a few ideas but I need some more.
Idea #1
1 male betta
4 rummy-nose tetras
Idea #2
3 zebra danios
3 leopard danios
Idea #3
5 tiger barbs
(maybe some regular and some green)
Idea #4
4 platies
(1 male and 3 females)
Idea #5
8 neon tetras
Idea #6
4 cherry barbs
4 black phantom tetras
Idea #7
5 neon rainbows
Idea #8
dwarf pufferfish
(how many?)
I'm trying to avoid bottom feeders because the tanks are bottom lit through clear/tinted glass gravel. I'm probably going to have an AquaClear Mini on each tank. Do you like my ideas? Have any of your own?
Idea #1
1 male betta
4 rummy-nose tetras
Idea #2
3 zebra danios
3 leopard danios
Idea #3
5 tiger barbs
(maybe some regular and some green)
Idea #4
4 platies
(1 male and 3 females)
Idea #5
8 neon tetras
Idea #6
4 cherry barbs
4 black phantom tetras
Idea #7
5 neon rainbows
Idea #8
dwarf pufferfish
(how many?)
I'm trying to avoid bottom feeders because the tanks are bottom lit through clear/tinted glass gravel. I'm probably going to have an AquaClear Mini on each tank. Do you like my ideas? Have any of your own?