Ideas for 10 gallons


Superstar Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I like the dwarfs and tetras idea but not the thick lips and dwarfs.

I don't think cichlids would do. Cichlids are a little harder to take care of and most need a large aquarium except for shell dwellers and they arn't the greatest fish for commotion and stuff. I don't think cichlids would be a good idea. ;D


New Fish
Oct 22, 2002
I live in a house where bass loudness rules. So this is my experiance. My rummy tetras were fairly sensative and didnt last too long. The Lemon tetras are great...quite hardy. I would suggest a solid color background (possibly dark green??, and with the bottom lighting they should contrast quite nicely.


Large Fish
Oct 22, 2002
i'm thinking im some big gourami advocate... but in this month's issue of Aquarium Fish magazine, there's a huge article on gouramis. you might want to check that out. It doesn't have some of the prettier ones in there though. You could keep some moonlight gouramis against a black background and a dark substrate - that would be pretty cool. the get to be pretty big - so you could keep maybe like 2 or 3 in a ten gallon. Three spot gouramis are also very pretty and they only get to be about 5 inches.  ;D You might try dwarf flame (also known as honey sunset) gouramis - that's what I have. they're only about 3 inches and they're not shy like regular honey gouramis. Thought you might like to know about the article though.  ;D ;D

Moonlights and 3-spots/blues/opalines/golds are too big for a 10 gallon. I tried putting a pair of pearls which are smaller into a 10 gallon and they did not like it at all. They are much better in a 20 gallon or more.

If I could get him to let me put in some plants could I do apistos? I should get a male and a few females, right? They get like 3 inches, right?

Lemon tetras sound good too.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
 even though you don't want to go with bottom dwellers, wouldn't it be cool to do a fake reef tank with dwarf puffers and fiddler crabs? I know fiddler crabs need brackish water, and i have heard heated debate about whether or not dwarf puffers are brackish, so it may be risky. i always thought fake reef tanks were really cool.