I'm doing it all wrong... (newbie, LONG)


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
I should totally know this by now, but I did not do my research into fish before diving in again... ::slaps own hand::

I thought I knew what I was doing, as we had a few successful tanks while growing up, and even in college. My most successful tank was my tiny goldfish hex (about 5g I think) that was self-maintained for about 2 years (yeah, um... I tended to forget about it because it was in the spare room, and I was working 4 jobs at the time and taking care of a host of fuzzy animals). That was the one fish I never thought would last (won him at a rock festival one time and he survived 3 months in a bowl with reg h2o changes). Once he made it that far, I picked up a slightly larger tank for him (the hex) and promptly forgot about him... He passed away about 2 years after I got him, when my stupid house-mate decided it would be cool to put him in the window right above the heater.

This time around, I got a pair of guppies (the female was preggers) who had a ton of fry... then I thought I would add some tetras and a glass cat. Shortly after that, I was given 4 juvi angels, and quickly learned I needed a bigger set-up. My brother and the guy at the fish store helped me out with this... so now I have a 10g with 3 guppies, a ton of fry, 3 neon tetras, 2 zebra danios, a glass cat, 2 ghost shrimp & a cherry shrimp. It also has 2 pretty bushy plants & a banana plant (the 2nd bushy plant is cuttings from the first when it grew too big in under 3 weeks... now they are both 6' high with about 7 stems each). My second tank is the new 29g with one golden danio (gives the angels a run for their money... his buddy died recently), 4 angels, 3 ghost shrimp, 2 decent-sized sword plants & 2 other plants I can't identify... I want to still get 2 gouramies (one neon blue and another of some color variation), a placo of some kind, one really cool orange-red fish that the fish guy said would work with all of the above, and a cool-looking filter-feeder shrimp (insert "duh!" if all shrimp are filter feeders... it's midnight & I can't remember my bio just now)...I also want to add more plants & hides for the big tank, but I want to know what would work with my fish first.

I really like the glass cat, and would prefer to move him to the 29g but I'm looking for opinions on that. There's more space for him in the bigger tank, and I tend to go by the addage "bigger is better" - how I manage all my herps and rodents, and my philosophy at the nature center). Would "he" be compatible with the angels? I want to add some color to that tank too, that's why I'm considering the gourami & the orange-red fish that I can't remember the name of atm. Would there be conflict with the cat and the other planned fish?

I know I'm asking a lot of stupid questions, but my brain is mush from reading up on stuff in this forum and on the net for the last 3 hours...

Any help, constructive criticism, opinions & useful info is greatly appreciated. I will try to post pics of teh 2 tanks when I get them loaded onto the computer. the 29g still needs a lot of work, as does the 10g...



Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Hi, welcome to MFT! Glass cats should be fine with angels, though be warned you may need to rehome your angels when they get bigger. Glass cats prefer to be in groups, as do danios, so you might want to think about adding some more of each (careful not to overstock though). Depending on the type of gourami, they can be aggressive, and you are often best to only have one varietal of gourami in any tank. Let us know what the actual name is of the "cool orange-red fish", and do NOT get a common pleco - they get way, way, way too big for almost all home aquariums. A smaller varietal, like a bristlenose, might be okay . . . .
One online stocking tool is Aqadvisor - some members of this forum use it to plan out various stocking ideas: AqAdvisor - Intelligent Freshwater Tropical Fish Aquarium Stocking Calculator and Aquarium Tank/Filter Advisor
The fish mentioned shouldn't be an issue with most kinds of live plants - live plants are an awesome addition to any tank ;) Key factors will be your lighting, whether you are using CO2, and ferts.
Water parameters all good? Do you have test kits?


Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
You could probably put a pearl gourami in the 29 without much hassle.

I'd suggest a bristlenose or rubberlip/bulldog pleco in the 29. I wouldn't suggest a clown pleco. Everyone I've talked to (and from personal experience) says their clown is a lazy bum who hides all day and doesn't do jack with algae. (Remember that these plecos need wood in their diet.)

The angels will eventually need to be rehomed to a larger tank, preferably a 55.

Could you list out exactly what you have in both the 10 and 29? I'm a little unclear on what's where.



Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
Thanks all. I am planning on a bigger tank as teh angels grow. Right now they are the size of a quarter.

The 10g:
1 glass cat
3 neon tetras
2 zebra danios
2 female guppies
1 male guppy
2 ghost shrimp
1 red shrimp (cherry?)
1 small banana plant
2 bushy plants that grow like weeds and can root even from one leaf...

The 29g:
2 female juvi angels
2 male juvi angels
1 golden danio (his buddy died, and am planning to get more for a small school)
3 ghost shrimp
2 sword plants
2 other smaller plants, one on a rock (java fern??) and the other in a pot.

Should I move the glass cat into the 29g (def adding some friends for him)?
Should I move the 2 zebra danios into the 29g (as part of the danio school in the 29g)?

I will be getting more plants and hides for the 29g, including some wood.



Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Probably because the hobby is driving her batty right now.

Move the danios and glass cat to the 29g.

You don't need wood as you don't have a wood eating fish.

I'm not 100% on this, but you might be able to get away with moving the ghost shrimp from the 29 to the 10 without too much shrimp overcrowding.

If your GF hadn't suggested not to get more fish I'd have said to get a couple more neons and a couple more zebra danios as both prefer groups of 5+. However, you don't have much of a stress tank, so they won't need to group for safety purposes.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
yeah I would flip flop the cat and the shrimp.

I was going to suggest clown plecos actually, mine isn't overly lazy.

A rubberlip or a bushy nosed pleco would do nicely as well. Depends on what you can get locally.

Hope the "really cool orange red fish" wasn't a blood parrot. I see lots of posters that have them in community aquariums and end up with hot messes.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
haha, my gf is nuts... she didn't mean to hit send on that (or so she says). she's granted permission for 4 more fish, but that is it. Would the shrimp be detrimental in both tanks? Or should I keep them away from any of the fish? I thought they woulld be good for cleaning the tank and keeping debris low (also a recommendation from the angel fish guy... beginning to think he didn't know much).

re: the angels, the person that gave them to me said they were 2 pairs. i just went with what he said. how do you sex angels?

I am planning on getting a few more cats, so that limts the other fish I can get down to 1... what's the most important for the psychological balance of the fish?

Aug 13, 2010
Sicklerville, NJ
The Ghost Shrimp will be food in a short while...LOL The best way to sex them is when they pair off and lay eggs to look at the tubes...I do not know what they are called , LOL But I am sure someone will google it!

Take your GF to the store with her and let her pick out a few fish, then come home and make sure they are compatible with what you have, then she will be into the fish too!


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
thanks. I just tried aqadvisor and got an idea for what my tank should look like. I will get a few more cats and put then in the 29g, transfer the remaining danios to the 29g, and put the shrimp into the 10g. I will plan on adding a gourami and some type of small pleco or algea eater later on.

Dylandrewsdad:lol, if that worked, I'd be home from every reptile show with a new critter... so far she only picked out the ig, who turned out to be a real crab, and has significant health issues right now, which is limiting my tank budget. I think she will lighten up once I get a job and can more freely afford our kids.



Superstar Fish
Sep 9, 2010
Chesapeake, Virginia
Marcy's right "again". Once they angels grow up they'll probably end up "disappearing" the shrimp. Cichlids will be cichlids.

Also, there's a chance the gourami may end up fighting with the angels. Just be aware of what's happening.


Large Fish
Jan 9, 2011
New England
Also, there's a chance the gourami may end up fighting with the angels. Just be aware of what's happening.
good to know. i will keep that in concideration when populating my tank. Right now I'm just sticking to the cats and danios so that they will be more comfortable. I've got a ton of learning to do before making any more rash choices.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Poor Mike :)

@Aak-Cough Marcy didn't say the shirmp would be food...cough.....
LMAO it was mike. My ever skeptical friend was probably very upset that you think i said that. ;)

I agree tho. Shrimp with only non aggressive fish.

If you have budget concerns I would suggest craigslist. I tell people this all the time but I don't think many people listen to me. Craigslist is like a swap meet. Throw fish in the search area and see what you find. I'd be willing to bet you could get some nice fish for free, or buy some babies off a breeder. :)

Groumi + Angels is a questionable mix at best. Someone is going to beat the snot out of someone.