I'm gonna be a Dad!!

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Aug 29, 2005
Well, turns out the thing "attatched" to the fish, was his shooter....Hehe.Nuff said...

And, I'm going to icknore all the whining about me pulling Chaz's leg.... Fins, whatever.... Have at it.. I thought I was playing upon a common trait in Brit humor. That of it being very dry,and subtle. No insult was intended... So, whine away...

I feed the eel what the store said they fed him. The same food they feed the tropical fish. Flakes. When he comes out, it's been after the others have eaten, so I throw in a few for him, to see if he's even interested. He's not.

I feed the plecos wafers, but they hardly touch them. They concentrate primarily on growing algae in the tank. On the rocks, driftwood, plants and sides of the tank. Once in a while one of them will nibble at a dissolved wafer.. But he'll leave it and the molly will eat most of it and sometimes the Betta will take a few nibbles.

And incidentally, the Betta won't eat either. I think the molly eats that food as well. I've seen it, and have no other explanation as to where the food goes. Betta food floats forever, or so it seems. He's eaten some, but spits it out.

The catfish eats the flakes that drift down. He hasn't touched a single shrimp pellet, that I've seen. But, they've only been in their new home a few days,so we'll see...... Any suggestions would be nice....

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Jun 15, 2005
Mesa, AZ
You could try spot-feeding your eel bloodworms. Get the worms thawed out, use an eye-dropper to suck some up, spit them out in front of the eel. Try that with the betta as well.

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Ok Guys, I have gone through and edited/deleted a bunch of posts in here and I am now locking this thread for innapropriate and immature behavior. Space Dog, if you have more questions on this topic please just start a new thread

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