Im so upset =(


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I think 12 danios is a little over doing it, particularly if you aren't into them. Platys are pretty hardy as is a betta, but I would personally stick with like two or three. We take a 10 vacation and I use those tablets and haven't had any problems. The only thing I can add is doesn't say how many fish it will feed, I think it just says how many days its good for, so seeing as how fish can go for a week or so with no food, I just drop in one for five days in the larger tanks and the 10 g one get a 3 day one.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
the reason i suggest 10 is to me at least it seems to cycle faster. you get the decent ammonia and they can handle the ammonia. also if some die you still have a few, I know my lfs will sell them half price for a cycle and take them back once the tank is cycled. As with everything i say it's my experience, or my opinion and suggestion. i don't claim to be the know all end all of fish keeping lol.


Medium Fish
Jul 17, 2013
New York
I have a betta now but he has his own small tank i think is a 2 gallons. I wanna eventually move him to my 15 gallons once it is cycled. He is the most awesome betta ive had lol so calm and he was with two neon tetras before and he never even try to fight with them. I had him im my 15g inside of one of those breeding net. Because i didnt have an extra tank and he scaped and he was in the tank with my guppies and other fish i had swiming around like if he was one of the guppies too hehe


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
You could cycle a 15g with 10-12 zebra danios, but it would take daily huge water changes to do it. You'd be better off with 3-5 ZDs, along with filtration and/or decor from the established betta tank (hint..hint... this has been mentioned several times now... LOL)


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
Actually I kind of agree with you EX, because I did use more fish than recommended - not danios though - It was probably platies and mollies. It was the daily water changes and checking the chemistry that probably did the trick - I don't remember loosing any. I did later try some danios, but I did not find the first three I had very hardy. Kind of funny about which fish people find "hardy" - In my book I consider otos and neons hardy. I also have some black skirt tetras and of course, serpas that seem to go on and on.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
I had neons in a 10 gallon, only 5, but all i had to do was sneeze around the tank and one would die lol. i don't think they are a strong fish myself. thats why i got 30 to hope i'd have 20 survive. but lucky for me all 30 are still alive :p


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Granted, I've only had them about 6 months, but my 10 neons made it through a tank blow-out, being frantically scooped out and plopped into a temporary storage tote home, then being re-homed into a new 20g.

IMO, neons weak point is when you first get them home. They deal horribly with a drastic habitat change. Once they acclimate to a consistent, healthy home, they're hardy. I've seen reports of neons living 6-8yrs.

Originally I had 15. 5 died w/in days of purchase.

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Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
guess it could also be the difference from getting it from a good local lfs or a fish farm like petco too. cause the ones i had in my 10 were from petco. the ones i have now are from my trusted local lfs that i've gone to for the past 10 years or so now.