Instant Clear Water

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
Yeah Nanu, I'm going to do a couple of things once I can be sure I have this Ich thing under control. Some decent meds for it should be here in a few days, been doing regular water changes and keeping a close eye on everyone. Just want to get to a point where I can be relatively certain the Ich situation is taken care of so I can lower the temp and start changing out the salt.

I really do feel bad for him though.. I've even noticed he's got ich now too and he doesn't seem to be too happy. Just kind floats at odd angles while the bleeding hearts nip at his fins.

you really think PetsMart will just take him back or let me exchange him for something..? ....once the ich is gone of course.


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
yeah they will take him back as long as he is in the return period. (it is like 6 weeks I think... Someone on the forum works there just can't remember who) If he is doing the float thing he is probably a goner, if he dies throw his body in a baggie in the freezer they will refund your money for DOA too...

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
yeah, not nearly as active as when I brought him home. Does the float thing at odd angles and sometimes upside down. I really feel soo terrible that I might have just killed him. My tank and fish situation's been bumming me out literally all day..


Large Fish
Mar 8, 2010
Detroit, Mi
Thanks mike, usually we are adversaries.... ;-)

Yeah save the bodies, return them. try to do a fishless cycle if everyone croaks (I think they might)

BTW don't feed ANYONE for a few days. It will help :(

Feb 10, 2011
Annapolis, MD
Yeah.. I'm noticing though that everyone but ONE bleeding heart looks a LOT better so as soon as the last guy is without symptoms I'm going to give it another day or two with the heat, salt, water-change treatment and then slowly return everything to normal. I'm also going to treat the entire tank once the meds get here. These meds are not supposed to interrupt a cycle (but who knows, PetCo sold me 'aquatic' plants... (keeping an open mind and feeling good though, ordered the meds from 'that fish

I really hope everyone doesn't croak. But, if they do, I'll just have to start over and choose species more slowly and much more carefully.