Is this Webpage a joke????

I saw an episode of "Pimp My Ride" a while back, and they installed a fish tank in the car. Apparently they had a an automatic feeder that fed the fish every hour on the hour... shows how much thought went into that. But my worry is that with the car and even the handbag is that it is in constant motion. Can a fish survive in those conditions, even if the owner cycled the water and took care of everything..?

Can a fish survive in those conditions, even if the owner cycled the water and took care of everything..?
short answer: no

you wouldn't even be able to 'cycle' that size of a cup. Aside from that...if you were a responsible fishkeeper, would you even do this to a fish? I'm nervous as hell anytime I have to transport fish...I had a betta shipped from thailand and he arrived half dead, and he had more room than whats in these purses...there's just no way to look at it that doesn't make it a cruel situation for the fish.