It be da voodoo mon...

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
lol ok jk, but the LFS had a Buy one Get on free sale on all corals. This being right after they get in a new ORA order and more then 75 new corals. So being the uber cheapo coral fiend i am, how can i pass this up?! I didn't btw. I bought an ORA Blue Voodoo frag, best name for a coral EVER. And with my free one i didn't see much that caught my eye, so i got a ORA Green Monti Digita to go with my ORA purple polyp monti digi i already had. Both are very nice frags.

Buying these frags also made me look at my nano in total disgust. The thing was nasty, clutered, and an eyesore. So i totally overhauled the thing today and its actually in a brand new tank. When i say overhaul i get serious. ;) New 10gal tank, fresh and clean. Bare bottom, with limited LR and much more free space. Very minimalistic. I like it.

Here are some teasers, still waiting for stuff to settle in. Terrible pics btw, this is just to give you an idea.

ORA Blue VooDoo. Has a fading blue to green base with hairy polyps.

From Above

Horrible FTS

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Sick frags. You passed up a free frag? No way!
Negative, I just said nothing else really caught my eye. So i just ended up getting a green Monti Digi.

Still sliming.

Heres the tank as it stands now. Pictures still kinda dark and don't show off the color (And the gsp has yet to open back up).

A ric coming back to life. I've never had to much luck keeping Rics.

ORA Phil's, one of my favorites.


Royal Gramma

4 Line Wrasse, just as good looking as the 6 line, just harder to find.

My Babies

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Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
Stuff looks good man. I love the close perspective you can achieve with a nano. Everything looks so small in my 90g at home, but at work even with only four or five different coral the 12g nano-cube looks full.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Jim i bought 2 polyps. I now have 4 with a few that look like they want to sprout more. :)

Thanks Lorna. My closest, most used LFS just started ordering and continually stocking ORA coral. They also just expanded their coral selection and gets a lot of home grown local stuff. I guess i just got lucky....or broke, or both.