It happened.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I guess I am a little "archaic" when it come to these " Smartphones" and "Androids", but do they just sent automatically or is there a "send" button to push - and if there is, have you heard of "proof reading" before pressing send? I have never seen so many garbled messages as I get from people texting. And then there are also what my daughter refers to as "pocket calls" which she says happens when a phone in a pocket or someplace gets accidentally bumped and calls someone - like me. lol


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Lucky. I try to proof read mine, but sometimes I miss it. And then there's times where the words are so short that I assume that they are correct, so I don't check. I type in 'my' and it gives me 'mt'. Don't know why, but it does. I love how this thread went from snails to smartphones in just a few posts. xP

(Also, I just got 6 Guppies, 4F:2M. I'm putting them with my other Guppies in a seperate tank to do some selective breeding that I want to experiment on. Nothing serious, but I want to see some of the color combinations that come out. :) )

Jul 18, 2011
Update: It's been a day, and Agent Z-L has yet to complete his mission. I am beginning to question his authenticity. Perhaps the facility at which he was bred and raised did not identify him as an agent worthy of being commisioned. I have evacuated all citizens of 5.5land (4 endlers and an oto) to 20land. Currently they are going through customs (acclimation). I will give Agent Z-L 2 more days to complete the mission. If the targets are not eradicated then I will designate the mission as a failure and evacuate Agent Z-L to either 20Land or 10Land. Furthermore, I will strip him of his authority as a spy. Now, to the experts of the head research division (you all), what is the next course of action?

Apr 14, 2008
Just give him some time. I'm sure when he realizes what they are, he's gonna go nuts.

I used to have 2 [freakin' adorable] clown loaches, and when I gave them their first snail[which I ended up feeling SOOOOO guilty about] and it took them about 5 seconds to realize it was food. Clicking and a frenzy followed so some realize it really fast, some like my kuhli[used to be -s] eat them slowly[they don't really eat enough to be efficient, but they do definitely eat some] -- we'll see what Agent Z-L will do within a week or 2. Hopefully he'll eradicate them for you. :)

Jul 18, 2011
Just give him some time. I'm sure when he realizes what they are, he's gonna go nuts.

I used to have 2 [freakin' adorable] clown loaches, and when I gave them their first snail[which I ended up feeling SOOOOO guilty about] and it took them about 5 seconds to realize it was food. Clicking and a frenzy followed so some realize it really fast, some like my kuhli[used to be -s] eat them slowly[they don't really eat enough to be efficient, but they do definitely eat some] -- we'll see what Agent Z-L will do within a week or 2. Hopefully he'll eradicate them for you. :)
Boy, these snails are tanks. No, wait. That would mean the snails would have durability equal to that of a tank. They are much more durable than a tank. Salt, predators, chemical warfare, you name it, they'll survive it. I'm beginning to think that they could survive nuclear warfare.

P.S. I'm thinking if getting an albino bristlenose pleco. :p

Last edited:
Jul 18, 2011
Okay, I have two main courses of action currently.

A) Evacuate all fish to 20GL and wait for Agent Z-L to finish the job
B) Evacuate all fish to 20GL and nuke the 5.5 by dumping the whole remainder of my flourish, creating toxic amounts of copper in which no snail could survive (I hope).

After that's done I'll buy more flourish annd convert my 1 gallon bowl into a heavily planted nano (GRRRR and I'll buy my plants from an online snail free supplier).

All hail bump


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
I agree with kenny. Flourish is too expensive to waste like that. We don't believe in any other options. We are infidels. xD

I love Achmed!! *celebrate <<if you know who/what I'm talking about!!


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
lol!! no, sorry i don't. and sorry for no caps. my shift key is sticking and being stupid. ;p i got an achmed 'i keel you' t-shirt for christmas. :)

peanut- 'you wouldn't do good in prison'
jeff- 'what? why not?'
peanut- *staring in disbelief* 'c'mere puppet boy. make your daddy talk!!'

Jul 18, 2011
I'm going to wait a few more days and if it's not working out, I'm going to nuke the tank with Flourish. Put half the (remainder of the) bottle in the filter, half in the tank. Hopefully that'll poison those little pests.
What should I do about that one lone snail in the 10G? Sometimes I see him, sometimes I don't. My 20gL doesn't have much room left for fish, and I bet that snail has already multiplied.

Btw, how did the snails actually get into the tanks in the first place? The only possible explanation is by the micro sword I bought at Pet Supermarket, plus the plastic tubes at Petsmart & Petco clearly say "Snail Free". Furthermore, I looked in the tanks of Pet Supermarket last night, and I could see little tiny snails in the tank. So I'm 99% sure that's where the snails came from.

P.S.: My Pet Supermarket stocks AMAZING fish. Flying foxes, Paradise fish, Panda Garras, Clown Plecos, Panda Cories, Lemon Tetras, Rummynose Tetras, GBR Cichlids, and Albino Kribs. pretty cool.

Apr 14, 2008
Yeah, any tank with snails in it is where you'd get snails from. You probably wouldn't get the adults, but you get eggs and bam, infested. If the snail in the 10 is bothering you, remove it. They generally have a low bioload, fish eat them and they never populate more then what the tank can keep up with. Overfeeding usually makes that worse. If you feed very little, their numbers will be very low.

The only thing is I can't tell you for sure the flourish would kill them. The copper content in it is super low.

Those are all very nice fish, FWIW! :D

Jul 18, 2011
Yeah, any tank with snails in it is where you'd get snails from. You probably wouldn't get the adults, but you get eggs and bam, infested. If the snail in the 10 is bothering you, remove it. They generally have a low bioload, fish eat them and they never populate more then what the tank can keep up with. Overfeeding usually makes that worse. If you feed very little, their numbers will be very low.

The only thing is I can't tell you for sure the flourish would kill them. The copper content in it is super low.

Those are all very nice fish, FWIW! :D
I mean like dumping the whole rest of the bottle (I used like 25% of the bottle). I think Lotus once said, "Flourish in the recommended dosage is safe for shrimp" or something along the lines of that in a thread concerning inverts and copper in Flourish. Even if the copper doesn't kill the snails I'm assuming the other nutrients in Flourish will kill those nasty lil' buggers.

Also, I heard that all online aquarim plant suppliers- possibly even LiveAquaria- ship plants with snails/snail eggs. So, I've heard of the 3 dips to disinfect the crud, and I think PP is the best way to go. The plants I plan to buy are: DHG, Riccia, and maybe HC. The reason I might want HC is because I'm buying a minibow (2.5g) and a 10w 6500k zoo med super daylight cfl (the straight kind). So would that lighting (4wpg) be adequate for growing HC? And is PP the best disimfecting method for these plants? If so what is the most effective way of doing the dip?

Jul 18, 2011
Bump it up! P.S.Several weeks ago I set up a 10G with 10 boraras merah, and I'm thinking of moving them to the minibow. So here's my tank plan:

Tank: Minibow 2.5
Lighting: Zoo Med 10w 6500k super daylight CFL (4 wpg)
Ferts: Seachem Flourish (reg. dosing)
Co2: Either none or the Hagen system; I can't figure out how to do the DIY stuff.
Filtration: By plants and (possibly) a DIY box/corner filter.
Decor: A zebra stone and maybe Mopani wood
Flora: Eleocharis acicularis (Dwarf Hairgrass, Placement: Background, simce I hall short plants), Hemianthus callithroc(whatever, I can't spell it. You guys know it's dwarf baby tears, Placement: foreground or midground), Riccia fluitans (Placement: either floating or foreground), some sort of Anubias (possibly nana, Placement: Attatched to Zebra stone/ Mopani wood), and Christmas moss (forgot scientific name, Placement: Mopani wood).
Fauna (still deciding): Either 5 White Cloud Mountain Minnows, or 10 Phoenix Rasbora (Boraras merah), but either way I will have 2 Otocinclus affinis or some Amano shrimp (Cardinia japonica).

What do you guys think?