It's been a while... New tank & new pic!

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada
Hi everyone,

It's been a long time since I've posted and a lot has happened in that time. To keep it short her is the store; As you may remember I had a 40g SW with LR/corals and the lionfish and yellow wrasse and I was planning on going bigger...well things took a turn for the worse in certain areas of my life (nothing serious) and I ended up having to put the fish up for adoption at the LFS along with some of my LR and coral. I still wanted to stay in the hobby so I managed to salvage most of the inhabitants and start a 10g Nano tank. Her are the specs:

-10g tank
-28watt PC (on a timer set for 12hrs)
-Prizm Protien skimmer, Fluval 1plus mini (or something like that)
-Live sand (+ cupple handfulls of substraite from old tank to seed)
-Most of the LR from old tank approx 20lbs
-Assorted mushrooms, Green stripe mushrooms
-Candy cane coral
-Xenia (metalic green waving hand)
-Devil's hand leather coral
-Bubble coral
-2 olive snails
-Sally lightfoot crab
-Porcelain crab
-Blue leg hermit crabs
-Blue tuxedo urchin
-Banded brittle sea star
-Cleaner shrimp

I currently have no fish in this tank as I am reaserching what I want to put in. I will probably go with 2 maybe 3 fish tops depending on which ones. I will wait another week or two before adding fish this way the food supply will be plentifull. I have attached a few pics of the new tank for all to see hope you enjoy!

P.S. It's good to be back, though with my current schedule I may not make it on as much as I would like, but I will defenetly make an effort.

Salty Waters

Feb 28, 2005
Waterford, CA
The tank looks Great and it is great to see you back, lol, even though this is my first post in like a month it is Great to see you back, lol. oh and high everyone... tank is looking good though Salty, now just need some fish.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada

yamahaguy06 said:
The tank looks Great and it is great to see you back, lol, even though this is my first post in like a month it is Great to see you back, lol. oh and high everyone... tank is looking good though Salty, now just need some fish.

Ya it's hard to find time to get on the computer these days with work and now that summer has arrived I have soccer 2 times a week and XC Mountain biking, plus need to spend time actually with the tank and not just talking about it and can't forget time with the girlfriend. If only there were a few more hours in the day! Glad you liked the pics; Fish will be coming shortly.


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i have no personal experience with any of these fish but either of the first two should be suitable for a 10g but a DSB will be good for both of them to dig around in. i dont know anything about the last im afraid


Superstar Fish
Dec 1, 2003
I just bought a pair of Green clown gobies...excellent fish for little reefs. Mine eat frozen foods and dont mess witht he warned they like to perch on corals.

Feb 6, 2005
Waterloo, ON Canada

1979camaro said:
i have no personal experience with any of these fish but either of the first two should be suitable for a 10g but a DSB will be good for both of them to dig around in. i dont know anything about the last im afraid
Ya I agree w/you on the DSB, I am going to add another 1-2 inches of live sand to the tank before I get the fish. Hey Camaro, any idea's on a lid for the tank? I personaly hate having one, but I think in this size tank and with those fish that it's a disaster waiting to happen. I was thinking maybe some sort of stainless steel or plastic meshing just to keep the fish from jumpin', but still allow good air movement or should I just go glass?