question about the levels of tanks...i understand that certain fish like levels a ceretain way...but when we say the ph should be this # and the hardness should be this and tye likecertain types of plants or caves and whether u need to add buffers to get the water quality i wrong in assuming that the majority of all the fish we buy at lfs are breed in tanks and arent taken from the actual habbitat in south american or lfs which is a rAther nice one is bout 5 min from my there tanks use the same water i have so there original ph and othe levels are what mine are..i really dont think they make each tank specific for that fish and the fish all seem to live if u have fish that never been in the wild why wouldnt good quality and water readings be ok...for example for the cichlids i need aound 8 for a ph well mine is around 7.0-7.2 why would that be ok all the tanks wherever u get ur fish from arent exactly how they should be compared to the wild so is it really not necessary to have perfect exact readings for each fish dont they adapt as long as they arent totally way off from what they need... i had a greAt barb tank with 4 diff types of barbs for 2 years...the water quality was always crystal clear the fish were brightly colored and thrived in fact when i took them bAck to my lfs they put them all in a freshwater showtank that isnt for the begiining after i ran out of my test strips i never checked the water levels again(i know i should)but the water was always great looking and the fish did well so i never bothered....i am not trying to say i dont want advice from anyone because this is a great website and i enjoy coming here this is just something i always wondered about fish keeping....the lfs tanks arent always exact so is it that important for our home tanks to be....