Its time to get it on!! Rigel + Reena


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I was able to cycle my spare tank in record time (7days) I just freed-up my 10gal breeding tank a few weeks earlier.

I set it up last night and just released Rigel and Reena together about an hour ago.

Lots of chasing around going on. Reena is quick enought to stay ahead of Rigel right now, so nothing is happening yet. Nothing too rough, but Rigel has yet to start working on a bubble nest.

I am keeping a close eye on them both and I will give them a little longer to get going.

If they don't show any interest, I will remove them and try again with Riker and Ruby.

Wish me luck!

Mar 11, 2003
You might have to leave them in for up to a week. Mine never spawn until the 2nd or 3rd day. Just give em some time :).


P.S. Abe never builds a nest until after they have spawned, if thats any encouragement.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Will do. Reena is doing the head-down posture, but Rigel is not catching on yet the dumb oaf!

I will leave them be unless I see he is getting more aggressive or if either of them get more than a few scratches.

I moved some of Rikers nest over to their tank, just to see if that triggers anything, no dice so far.

Kind of a mixture of excitement and boredum!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Back & Forth, back & forth!

Rigel chases Reena. Reena chases Rigel.

Rigel has started building a bubble nest (slowly). They both take a lot of restbits.

No egg action yet, but the night is still very young!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Rigel is busy making a bubble nest while Reena is playing hard to get. It has been roughly 6 hours since I put them together and the back & forth ritual is well underway.

Rigel will every now and then stop making the nest, swim and flare at Reena on the other side of the tank until she flares back and chases him. He tries to lure her to underneath his nest but she usually stops half way. It almost like she is saying - nope, not ready yet stud!

Every now and then Reena finds her way under Rigels bubble nest, but then he chases her away.

Not quite ready yet I guess.... the courting continues...


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Man I would put on the Barry White if I believed it would help speed things up for poor Rigel. He has been building a bubble nest for the past 36 hours straight and it is massive!

Reena is still playing hard to get, and Rigel is just too tired to chase her anymore. He still tries to get her to follow him to the nest.

If my wife made me work that hard, I would not be a father today I tells ya!

If Reena does not give in soon, I might try Shelby (another good match) with Rigel tomorrow evening.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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I might still take some snapshots if I can find the time. So far, it has been a long wait, but I expected that.

It is raining outside tonight and that is supposed to be a good thing for encouraging mating. I also did a very small water change to see it that triggers any romantic feelings.

I woke up at 4:30am this morning and could not help but go to the room and watch for about 5 minutes to see if anything had or would happen (I am such a peeping Tom eh!)

If Rigel keeps it up, 1/2 the 10gallon tank will be a bubble nest soon!


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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it took Casper and June about a week before June decided to follow Casper to the nest.
what happen was, I released June, then Casper chased her around, and she kept hiding, and then Casper was so upset and he destroyed the nest ... then i was afraid that he'd attack June, so separated them... then Casper built another nest, and I released June again.. etc...
Then finally, I decided to leave them together overnight, and the next morning they spawn!!
So, I think you do need a bit of luck!!

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Thanks for the support! Every time Reena inches her way towards the nest, I hold my breath thinking 'maybe this is it!' Then she leaves :(

They are not as aggressive towards each other, although they still both flare. I caught them swimming side by side a few times... wish these teenagers would just get it on already!

I guess I will wait it out a full week then. They are not hurting each other and as long as it stays that way... might as well let them figure it out.

My 5gal tank is available now (poor Nana the goldfish died this morning), so I might sanitize it and put Riker and Ruby in there and see if the younger couple have any more sucess.

Will hold off a few more days for Riker & Ruby, don't want a double batch right now! (Way to many jars!) ;)

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Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, nothing so far. Not much has changed in the past 24 hours. Rigel is just hovering below his massive bubble nest and Reena is not showing all that much interest.

Rigel stills tries to get her to follow him to the nest, but the is not submitting for an embrace.

I might give them one more night, they replace Reena with Shelby tomorrow evening. They are almost twins, except Shelby is a little smaller and has never seen Rigel before.

My local breeder was right, it is very hard to be patient the first time around!

Mar 11, 2003
I am the most unpatient person in the world when it comes to bettas. You are right, its a mix between excitement and boredom. I get so disappointed when it takes them too long, but then get all happy when there are eggs. And guess what? Then you have to wait AGAIN for the fry to hatch, and then free swim, and then show color. Ugh, its so hard for me to be patient with them, lol. But once I raise at least 1 spawn successfully it should get easier.


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