Its time to get it on!! Rigel + Reena


Large Fish
Jul 23, 2003
Vancouver BC Canada
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Agree with Alexa!
Now I'm in the stage of waiting for them to show color :) still waiting!

Iggy, I think as long as Reena isn't hurt, you can give her more time.

Quote from
"Some pairs may be gentle with each other, other will beat the crap out of one another. Usually, it is the female that gets picked on and after the first bite from the male she starts running for her life. That is normal. He will chase her around and nip her and she will run away for a day or two or even three."
"... Her fins will be frayed, but usually she will take quite a bit of abuse before being truly endangered. Some males do kill the females though so you need to be the referee and keep a close eye on the honeymooners :) at all times."

When June finally followed Casper to the nest, she seem to got a small bite at her anal fin.
But keep an eye on them to make sure they're both okay.

Good luck again!


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, I did something kinda stupid then fixed it.

I came home from work and saw that nothing happened (again). I figured Reena was never going to mate, so I took Reena out with a small bowl using the tank water and got Shelby from upstairs, and floated her clear bottle in the tank.

Well, during the fish-move the bubble nest got partially broken up and Shelby was terrified (horizontal striped and clamped fins) by the sight of Rigel.

Anyway, I was about to leave when I picked up Reena's bowl and had a close look at her. She is jammed-packed full of EGGS. She looks like she swallowed a marble! I figured that she much have been close and I was screwing things up, so I quickly removed Shelby's bottle (with her) and dumped Reena back in.

They are much closer now. No mating yet, but I figure sooner or later Reena will want to have some of those eggs inside her squeezed out and Rigel is just the man to do it!

The bubble next is almost fully restored to its original massive size, now if that pesky human will just leave us alone for a while we will get this thing done!

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Mar 11, 2003
Here are a few tips:

#1 put a mirror or another male in view of the breeding male

#2 cover the tank with a towel or tank background (not over the light, you don't want a fire)

#3 do a water change

#4 raise the temp to 85*, then bring it back down.



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Ya, I think these guys need some sort of instructional video! Reena is a LOT closer to the nest now, just within view, but not quite underneath.

I can see this is going to happen now! :) Reena is sortof dancing around the heater near the nest, back and forth, and Rigel is busy building up the nest and trying to get her over for inspection. She has been underneath it a few dozen times, taking a look, then leaving.

The tank is covered on all sides except front with dark blue paper, the tank is about 82F, and I did a water changer earlier when I put Reena back with Rigel. Riker (Red Male) was in view this morning, but he is no longer there.

Thanks for the tips Alexa! I think we are down to hours now, maybe even minutes, only time will tell. :eek:

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Superstar Fish
Aug 13, 2003
i tried breeding before, the nest was big, the female belly was full of eggs, i tried all 3 of my males
the cambodian one was the one who at least got a little bit intrested but they never spawned so i gave up :(


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well... good news and bad!

First the bad. I covered their tank completely yesterday evening, left the light on all night (it has been on for 4 days now) and when I rushed down this morning to see the new betta fry... there was none. Not only that, but the next was gone too! Neither of them were in spawning mode.

I was meeting up with a local betta (and other kinds) breeder after work to get a microworm starter culter. I had visited her about 3 months ago and when I saw her today I described the situation.

The good news is, not all is lost. She asked me where I got the idea of leaving the tank light on overnight. I said She shoke her head and suggested I let them get some rest, and give them another couple days and it still might happen. Most of the time, bettas seem to prefer breeding at first light (morning fish I guess)

Some more good news. Finchy, who I thought had a bent spine, was misdiagnosed (by myself). I was wondering why I could see his spine on both sides of his back. The breeder explained that is very common on ST bettas and that it is not a defect.

So now, Finchy (who I adore), can be breed also. So now, I have 3 males I can breed and 3 females that are all the right age. So even if Rigel and Reena don't work out the first time around, I have a few backups I can use right away while they are recovering.

Rigel and Reena have till Sunday morning to spawn. If they don't, next up will be either Finchy or Riker and Ruby. She will get to decide during introductions - showing both males on either side of her tank and seeing who she stays close to.

I already have Ruby closer to Finchy, so they will not be strangers in the breeding tank should it be their turn on Sunday.

Mar 11, 2003
Sounds like the breeder knows what she is talking about ;). I leave the light on 24/7 just because mine have spawned before and they know what to do. I guess it depends with the fish.



Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, the nest is back, still no eggs. I am just leaving them be. They have two more nights to spawn, so I am going to give them all the room they want.

I still think it is going to happen before Sunday. The lights-off last night have Rigel enough sleep so he looks a lot more energetic tonight. Reena is checking out the nest on a regular basis now.

Anytime kids, anytime...


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well, nothing yet. Rigel has a nest but Reena is not playing ball.

So, if tomorrow morning I do not see any egg action, Rigel and Reena will get removed, and it will be either Finch or Riker and Shelby or Ruby's turn in the breeding tank.

Thank god I conditioned 3 pairs ahead of time. I have two micro-worm cultures and 2 bbs bottles ready to go in a days notice.


Superstar Fish
Jun 25, 2003
Leduc, AB, Canada
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Well.. times up for Rigel + Reena. Its been a full week and no dice. I think Rigel is up to it but Reena refuses to submit. She is curious, but that is it. Maybe in a mont or two I can try again with her.

For now, I am in the process of removing them from the breeding tank, doing a clean-up water change (trying to keep the bubble nest) and I will replace them with a new pair.

I have not decided which pair yet, but I will have them in tonight, but I might not release the female unless they show definate signs.

Keep your eye out for the new thread! Thanks all!!!