I've decided to get an Oscar


Large Fish
Aug 3, 2007
New York
I bought my O and JD on the same day...they were almost exactly the same size(and REALLY little :) )...brought them home and put them in together. I wouldn't say they are best friends, but they really don't fight. They will have a game of tag every once in a while...swimming round and round the plants and stuff, but for the most part they each mind their own business...that is, until feeding time...Oscar won't let Jack near the top...LOL!

Their sizes now are waaaaaaay off now...Oscar is about 8" and Jack is only about 4½"!!!


Large Fish
Oct 14, 2006
So here are these O's I am choosing from, I am not taking that monster in the right hand corner.

YouTube - Oscars

I think I want the split tail, his tail makes an upside down 'Y' it is kind of neat. So they are all lutinos. The small ones are about 5-7 inches, gramps is like 8-10 inches, that plec (whose I will say rules the tank) is about 15 inches, ugh.

Well these are actually my dad's Oscars, he wants to get rid of them all and start a small community tank. I just have to figure out how I am going to get the O from colorado to texas, I guess I will be overnighting them, don't think I can get them on the plane.

I will say I have had the 'pleasure' of cleaning that tank two times and will do it again before I leave, not a pretty thing to do. Anyway, I'll be leaving wed., so I will probably try to ship them either wed or tues before I go, I hope they will be alright!