Jack Dempsey


Small Fish
Oct 22, 2002
What are your thoughts on Jack Dempseys?  I am contemplainting on getting one, but im not sure.  I am looking for an aggressive fish, and one that is responsive.  Kind of like an oscar, but more aggressive then that.  Are jack dempseys good looking when they grow up, are they territoral, and aggressive?  In your opinion do you like them.

What are some aggressive responsive "pet like" fish, that are not more then 14"?

thanks for replys.


Medium Fish
Oct 22, 2002
Visit site
JDs really arn't all that aggressive, yes they are very pet like. They grow to about 8". Severums are extremely pet like again not highly aggressive. Convicts now theres a work of art, aggressive and beautiful they grow to 6". RedDevils-the name says it all. IMO they should be kept solo they typically dont get bigger than 12"(although I have a 16" RD). Large tanks are a must with these fish. Well they rather bite you than look at you so if thats your def. of pet then they would be perfect. Well JDs are prettier when they are grown than when they are middle sized if that makes any sense. They do become speckled in turqoise. There is a BLUE variety of JD out there they grow to about 6", now those are show stoppers!