The lovely blood parrots I am seeing offered for sale,are mainly uniform ,healthy and vigorous, most often a deep red orange to light almost peach-pink in some cases.Some have white markings ,some have black markings,some are uniformly one shade.I have heard of other colors such as white and black being bred.Petco had my baby parrots,they are great.Nice healthy fish,I recommend them as sellers.I have heard these fish can grow out between 6 to 10 inches.They can live from 7 to 10 years.What has me hooked are their personalities.Very much of the severum character,they seem to recognize family from strangers.You can access"Profiles"up above and get more info from folks, as well as myself .Like all cichlids they do best in a tank ,with dither fish , or cats,for tankmates*twirlysmi -D