Jellybean Parrot Cichlid Question


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
sweetpickles7 said:
I know females have an orangish yellow spot and males dont by the way i dont think a lot of people like this fish
when you say people dont like the fish...why wouldnt they? yes the fish is man made but so what. still a fish. and most parrots are infertile but sometimes you get lucky


Superstar Fish
Jan 30, 2007
Because a lot of people are very anti-hybrid in the hobby (especially in the cichlid world, where hybrids run rampant), and a lot of people think they're ugly :p Hey, you asked ;)

Jellybeans have a large amount of pink convict in them, so I suspect females may still have an orange belly and males not - but I'm honestly not sure.

Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Fuzz16 said:
when you say people dont like the fish...why wouldnt they? yes the fish is man made but so what. still a fish. and most parrots are infertile but sometimes you get lucky
You answered your own question really. Because its man made. Its a hybrid and its a plague on the hobby, at least cichlid side. Not only are hybrids ugly but they contaminate good bloodlines of pure blooded fish and are passed off as the pure blooded fish in the LFS.

Unfortunently, most jelly bean parrots are fertile.

Like Sinister, i don't know for sure but since they are a suspected convict cross females might have an orange scaled belly and makes lacking that.


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
There has been discussion on the fact that blood parrots are not hybrids but just the product of inbreeding.Thus the incidence of fertile males and females that successfully brood fry.I will take this a step further to state that cross-breeding takes place whether man has anything to do with it or not.The results are all around us,everyday.The blood parrots in my home are fine fish,not hideously deformed or mishapen(which I do have a problem with)Certainly,severe spinal deformity should not be encouraged in breeding.It is grotesque/macabre to manipulate (by using a knife )a fish into a heart shape.I also protest the use of injected dyes to make fish more marketable.I am fortunate to have lovely parrots with developed mouths and body shape that recalls that of severum/cichlid character.Truly handsome fish.My opinions are of course my own and I respect and support differing opinions.That is of course what makes this forum such a treasure chest!*SUNSMILE* -D

Big Vine

Elite Fish
Feb 7, 2006
Those are some interesting insights, papyrus. It's nice to hear more about blood parrots.

I know that I, for one, am fairly uneducated when it comes to these fish. I have heard/read all sorts of negative stigma attached to them, and thus my impression (i.e. without firsthand experience or delving into any in-depth research) has been that blood parrots are somewhat of a 'twisted' laboratory concotion reliant solely upon cross-breeding and dyeing of the fish in question.

Now I'm guessing that this is an overly-extreme/inaccurate viewpoint.

Of course, I do realize that there must be a difference between the ones you see that are all colors of the rainbow vs. the ones that are more like you describe. Trouble is, I don't think I'm (along with many others) aware/educated enough to pick out the 'unaltered' ones---if indeed they are, in fact, unaltered. :confused:


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Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
The lovely blood parrots I am seeing offered for sale,are mainly uniform ,healthy and vigorous, most often a deep red orange to light almost peach-pink in some cases.Some have white markings ,some have black markings,some are uniformly one shade.I have heard of other colors such as white and black being bred.Petco had my baby parrots,they are great.Nice healthy fish,I recommend them as sellers.I have heard these fish can grow out between 6 to 10 inches.They can live from 7 to 10 years.What has me hooked are their personalities.Very much of the severum character,they seem to recognize family from strangers.You can access"Profiles"up above and get more info from folks, as well as myself .Like all cichlids they do best in a tank ,with dither fish , or cats,for tankmates*twirlysmi -D


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
Ama,Even if they ARE dyed I believe the dye will eventually work it's way out.The wonderful thing isYOU, have them to care for.They have found a loving home with someone who really cares about their welfare.Jellybean parrots, the name alone just tells you....They are sweet.Good luck!-D


Medium Fish
Mar 12, 2007
This forum is so accepting of different opinions.I read the posts from so many knowledgable hobbyists,that so freely share their wisdom and experience.It truly is a treasure trove of information.I really have been misinformed at several fish and aquarium supply stores,how wonderful we can turn here for real information.My biggest regret is that I did not access this site BEFORE I took the time and expense to do a setup that will be unsuitable in a year.A store told me a 20 gallon tank would be adequate for THREE blood parrots.The bio-load now is challenging,I do water changes almost daily:(

Jan 11, 2007
I was wondering if I could put a few neon tetras in with me jellybean parrots. They are kinda agressive and i was wondering also if the neon tetras are fast enought to get away from my jelybeans. I am tired of them nipping at each others fins, and if not is there any thing I could put in there?