Just making a list


Ultimate Fish
Oct 22, 2002
San Ramon, CA
i would encourage you to consider dropping the hood in favor of the eggcrate. the nice thing about the eggcrate is it helps keep your tank cooler (evaporative cooling) and allows for better gas exchange


Well I did my price check and here is what I figured out(this is without tax):

2 Powerheads(like 145 gph): $59.98
15 lbs of Argonite: $19.99
10g tank: $9.99
50 watt submersible heater: $19.99
Instant Ocean Sea Salt: $13.99
SW Testkit: $26.99
Digital Thermometer: $8.99

Are those all really good prices? I found most of what I need at petsmart!

EDIT: What would be the casue for me to use RO Water? I am not trying to sound dumb I just want to make everything go right! Also how would I cycle the tank after getting the LR in the tank? And is there any kind of mushrooms or someting tat can live in a 15 watt lighting tank?

Last edited:
Jan 16, 2004
Syracuse, NY
Prices are right, you are forgetting a hydrometer though (unless that was included in test kit).

You basically fill the tank up with mixed salt water, let it sit a day or 2 with all equiptment running to allow full reactions to take place, then add live rock. In a few (2-3) weeks if things are right you can add some cheap inverts such as snails, hermits. Once it is more cycled (a month or bit longer) and everything looks good you can try a fish to start.

RO water is purified water that is stripped of all the metals, phosphates etc that are in tap water. Usually people have algae problems or parameter troubles while using tap but not always. I for example, switched over to tap because I realized my tap is ok to use.

You could keep mushrooms, cheaper zoanthids without a problem under that lighting.


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Mushroom was on target.....add the live rock and then start testing for ammonia....you need something to start the cycle and hopefully the live rock will have enough to do it for you. I would try and get some sand from someone who has an established tank to add to your sand, this will help as it will be loaded with good bacteria. After the ammonia spikes start testing for nitrites.......they will then spike and and the bacteria will convert them to harmless .....once everything tests out at zero you are good to go, begin by adding some cleanup crew such as snails.....nassarius/astrea are good as are cerith and turbos.......these will help keep the sand clean and stir it up. remember that with a tank that small and no skimmer you need to be vigilant on your water changes switching out about 20% a week......also, keep the water level topped up using plain r/o water.....remember water evaporates, salt doesnt. We are here to help......always best to ask a question and get varying opinions as it prevents costly mistakes.......

I had a pistol shrimp/wheeler gobie in my 10 along with a citron gobie.....I still have them but moved them to a 20g......

no kidding... salt is expensive. cheaper to buy in bulk. those people i see that buy the premeasured box of salt for 10 gallons of water are crazy... i wouldnt be able to spend that much. i sugest getting the largest amount you can afford. that way you have money in between buying salt to buy other things you need/want.

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
mabye check your local aquarium if they sell seawater, mine sells heavily filtered water just out of the sound for $0.02 a gallon.

and for fish, if you can i would say catalina gobies if you can, my fav. SW fish, but i seems to be very limited in chocies for aquariums i like, Plants here, Jags there, Catalinas over there lmfao



ram man

Superstar Fish
Apr 16, 2005
he would need a chiller for catalina gobies, you could do other types of fish, a pair of clowns, all inverts, for gobies there are tons of species that could pair with a pistol shrimp, and unlike the mantis it wont kill anything in the tank.

Igor The Cat

Superstar Fish
Jul 14, 2003
Seattle, Washington
ya but a chiller would def. be worth it! lol

anyway James, for reasearch i reccomend one of 2 things, either the search button at the top of the forum....OR PURE's fav website of all time...

its the most useful single webiste for reef keeping!!!

wait for it....

NO it is NOT Reef Central lol

are you sure you can handle it?

are you sure?

well okay...

here it is




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