Kiara's Fish Deaths


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
You say "It feels normal to type fast" - I am going to guess you talk fast, too. And you are probably thinking a mile a minute. Perhaps you should consider this trait and see how it is working for you because it is interfering with your ability to communicate what you are really trying to say. Example: "I'm just going to type uber slow now" and what is "stupid" about the truth?? We all make typos, but proof reading will catch 99% of them. Proof reading isn't easy. I wrote a book for my kids a couple of years ago (300+ pages) I proofed it several times and had two other people do the same. We still didn't find all the typos. You understand, spell check only catches misspelled words, not the wrong word. (Example: I typed "ready" instead of "reading" the first time around and read it 3X before I noticed)

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Yeah, my parents say that I talk fast with my friends. I tend to multi-task on the computer so I don't catch most of my misspellings. I didn't mean that the truth is stupid, it's just I think it's stupid that I make so many mistakes while typing. I don't recall having this problem when I first came here. I'm typing on here and I make mistakes, yet I type almost perfectly when I'm typing in HTML codes for my Web Design class. I admit that I do think a mile a minute though. Every now and again my words slur or I say something a tad bit wrong when it comes out of my mouth. It happens to a few of my friends too, and since we understand what point we're getting across to, we don't make a fuss over it or correct ourselves.

Thyra said:
Perhaps you should consider this trait and see how it is working for you because it is interfering with your ability to communicate what you are really trying to say.
I somewhat understand what you mean, but are you saying that I should try to slow down my whole thought and response process?? I understand the interference part, but what do you mean by 'examine this trait'??


Large Fish
Nov 13, 2010
Northeastern Tennessee.
Hello; while likely at risk of getting it wrong, allow me to speculate on what "examine this trait" may mean. Everyone has traits and natural behaviors. It is perhaps how we take advantage of them that can make a difference for us. These traits/behaviors can be strengths or our weaknesses depending on the situation. Perhaps the key is to recognize our traits and become aware of where they work well for us and where they can cause problems for us.
As an example, being stubborn can be a strength and yield good things when applied to some situations. Persisting in some activities beyond some reasonable point can be a big negative.
You may know people who take the same approach to everything. For some things it will work well, but for many others that same approach works poorly, if at all. Bully behavior comes to mind. A bully can force their will on others by intimidation, but cannot bully someone into likening them.
Feel free to critique this, any of you.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Lol, yeah. Thanks Thyra. And thanks skjl, I understand now. I just got back from walmart and I'm happy to say that I didn't buy any fish. :D I got 2 CFLs cuz my dad broke my lights in the hood when he dropped it in the water while trying to find his favorite Neon. *sigh* *rolls eyes* I've never bought fish from walmart and now my dad knows why. There were 7 tanks with different types of fish. In the largest tank (full of common feeder goldfish), all the fish were dead and there were too many to count. In 4 tanks, 7 out of 8 fish were dead. And in the other 2 tanks, 5 out of 9 fish were dead. I'm so glad that they didn't have Bettas though. My dad is happy with how my tanks were compared to walmarts. He's still fussing with me since my goldfish tank is getting low on water (about 4 inches from the surface) since I took out some of that water to water the mini pine tree growing in my room. What can I say?? I got lazy. :p

Anywho, I replaced my lights and now my fish are shiny again. And as I'm typing this, my dad is talking to my Neon.... I can't blame him though. It's following his finger and responding to his voice. That fish loves my dad more than me (the only person in my house who knows stuff about fish). I'm taking my dad on as my apprentice and he's slowly understanding things about fish. :D

For example: When I first got my Neons when I was first starting my tank, he wanted to get Tiger Barbs as well. Now, he got me a 2.5 for Christmas for a male Betta, because he understands that most of them can be aggressive and that you can't mix two males together or a male and a female.

Quick Question: If I get rid of my Guppies (totally do-able) can I get 4-5 female bettas for my 10g?? My lfs has 4 BEAUTIFUL female bettas together and they don't fight at all. They've already established a pecking order and I want them so bad (maybe not yet though. I'm going to look into the portage water supply).

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Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Now I'm really suspicious. It's not just me with the problem. My friend who live relatively close to me (still in portage) had all 5 of her Bettas die. He had 3 female Bettas and 2 males. He's had those fish for over a year and was extremely sad when they died (just like how I was). He said that they all died on Friday afternoon, the same day mine did. He did a water change in the morning and I did one in the afternoon. It took several hours, but all of our Bettas died. He too had fish other than Bettas, but it was only the Bettas that were afected. I'm gonna call the water department and ask what's goign on and see if I can get a test done. My friend is calling as well.


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
i have no idea what personal issues you two may have-thyra and kiara. but there is NO excuse to sit here and start a thread attacking another member.
she has made mistakes, we all know this, we have seent he threads. but it doesnt mean you need to start a thread about it to be the schoolyard bully

kiara, i recomend you stop replying to this thread, and let it die. and learn from your mistakes, or stop sharing them unless you enjoy being treated lke this, which i hope not. you are here to learn, so do so, and dont publicize every mistake you make.

it makes me sick how far this forum has gone down, turning into the other forums people avoid because of the cruelty of other membersand closed mindness. we are here to support one another through learning about this hobby, not chase them away from the forum to mess up continually on their own. grow up all of you.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I am trying to figure out what thread I started that is either attacking or bullying Kiara. I read this whole thread and couldn't find anything I wrote with that intention at all. Yes, I (and others) have some problems reading things that have typos in that we can't decipher, but comments about that were meant as constructive criticism because otherwise the person may never understand why we can't adequately answer their questions.


Superstar Fish
Jan 12, 2011
Ok, thanks Fuzz. I'll stop posting. I never got an answer, but I know that it wasn't just me that this was happening to. I'm ending it with that.

Thyra, I'm sorry if I upset you in any way. I have a bit of a short temper (as you can obviously tell) and I'm trying to control that. I apologize for anything mean being said to you. With all of this aside, I will let this thread die.


Large Fish
Apr 26, 2003
San Francisco Bay Area
Visit site
I agree, Fuzz -- I know I'm late to this party, but Thyra seems to have a very deep and personal issue with Kiara, and she's bashing her pretty shamelessly.

Thyra, please chill. You'll do more good acting as a responsible, wise fishkeeper.

After all, how much can you fault Kiara? She's taken the time to find a reputable board, she's asking questions and participating, replying?

What's the prob? Can we please not make this a schoolyard playground, Thyra?