Lol, yeah. Thanks Thyra. And thanks skjl, I understand now. I just got back from walmart and I'm happy to say that I didn't buy any fish.
I got 2 CFLs cuz my dad broke my lights in the hood when he dropped it in the water while trying to find his favorite Neon. *sigh* *rolls eyes* I've never bought fish from walmart and now my dad knows why. There were 7 tanks with different types of fish. In the largest tank (full of common feeder goldfish), all the fish were dead and there were too many to count. In 4 tanks, 7 out of 8 fish were dead. And in the other 2 tanks, 5 out of 9 fish were dead. I'm so glad that they didn't have Bettas though. My dad is happy with how my tanks were compared to walmarts. He's still fussing with me since my goldfish tank is getting low on water (about 4 inches from the surface) since I took out some of that water to water the mini pine tree growing in my room. What can I say?? I got lazy.
Anywho, I replaced my lights and now my fish are shiny again. And as I'm typing this, my dad is talking to my Neon.... I can't blame him though. It's following his finger and responding to his voice. That fish loves my dad more than me (the only person in my house who knows stuff about fish). I'm taking my dad on as my apprentice and he's slowly understanding things about fish.
For example: When I first got my Neons when I was first starting my tank, he wanted to get Tiger Barbs as well. Now, he got me a 2.5 for Christmas for a male Betta, because he understands that most of them can be aggressive and that you can't mix two males together or a male and a female.
Quick Question: If I get rid of my Guppies (totally do-able) can I get 4-5 female bettas for my 10g?? My lfs has 4 BEAUTIFUL female bettas together and they don't fight at all. They've already established a pecking order and I want them so bad (maybe not yet though. I'm going to look into the portage water supply).