Kinda a silly question


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
I have had both good and bad experiences with Walmart. They sold me an upside down catfish as a small pleco when he was only MAYBE 1" long. He's healthy and happy, even with bouncing around to different tanks due to my current tank juggling. HOWEVER, I went back and got two more since the price was so good and they both died within 48 hours (and gave six of my female bettas ick in the process!). I've had tiger barbs from there that lasted less than 24 hours, but I've known people who have gotten livebearers there and they still have them three years later. I honestly trust the Walmart near me that sells fish more than my LFSs at this point. Both of my LFSs have filthy tanks and I've seen diseased and dead fish lying in the tanks with no effort made to treat or remove them.

But, I agree with what lauraf said. Use your gift card to buy supplies and get your fish at a trusted LFS. :)

Feb 27, 2009
I was at Walmart to buy cat litter and looked at their fish. They have a whole section of neon tetras showing neon tetra disease. The manager seemed unmoved when I pointed it out. :mad:


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Some idiot but a male betta in with two red-tail botia (members of the loach family and fairly aggressive) at my WM. They tore his fins to shred and there was absolutely NOTHING in the tank besides the three fish (no plants or anything). I was so pissed. I offered to buy him right then and there, but they refused 'cuz they'd just gotten a shipment of fish in and were letting them "rest" (complete BS! I've bought bettas straight out of the shipping box at Petsmart). I finally went to a manager...was told the exact same thing. Went back the next day and bought him. He had no fins (were shorter than a female's) and had open wounds on his body. Needless to say, he didn't make it.


Small Fish
Jan 13, 2010
Sioux falls, South dakota
walmart is fine, although i have seen the cruelest possible thing to do to a fish. but this time, it can not be walmart's fault. i saw two male bettas in one of those little bowls. both were equaly matched, and shreaded fins floated around. for fish i recomend some angels. but no goldfish or dead angels and goldfish.


Large Fish
Feb 11, 2003
Rhode Island
Visit site
No! Absolutely not. Walmart abuses their fish, and anyone who buys fish from walmart is contributing to the horrible fish abuse. Every time I go to Walmart, their tanks are plagued with ich, and dead fish will sit on the bottoms of the tanks for weeks before they are removed. Do not even get me started with the betta and goldfish abuse at Walmart! Never buy fish there!
not all walmarts are the same. Some are run by people who actually care. Luckily, if a store has an unprofitable pet department (and believe it or not, that's one department that can lose money really easily) the home office will sell off their tanks to the highest bidder and restrict them down to basic petfood. Most of the stores in my state lost thier fish tanks because they had no clue what they were doing. the 3-4 that still have them are fairly nice for tropicals (goldies on the other hand are always gross imho).

thats like saying " drunks always beat their wives so no one should buy booze". It is a self-sealing false siligism. Look up "no true scotsman" on wikipedia.


Superstar Fish
Jan 2, 2007
thats like saying " drunks always beat their wives so no one should buy booze". It is a self-sealing false siligism. Look up "no true scotsman" on wikipedia.
In other words, some people want you to share their own beliefs, even if they are misguided...and you're a fool if you don't.

Or..."Mama said 'Walmart fish departments are the devil'!"- Bobby Boucher ;)

Feb 5, 2010
In a big wooden box
Does that mean a Betta would go perfect in a ten gallon tank?
If so does that mean I can have a filter, and it won't disturb the Betta's swimming? Because I had this will my 3 gallon tank but I'm sure the ten gallon tank shouldn't have a problem. Also should I get more plants, or less what do they like???

Thanks in advance... so many questions... (If more I will ask) :)

Aug 16, 2009
SW Pennsylvania
Bettas love lots of plants and lots of clutter in general. A betta is perfect for a ten gallon. Just make sure it is a ten gallon long and not tall, as bettas cannot tolerate water pressure past 15-18 inches tall. You should have a filter and keep the water level as high as you can so that there is less splash. If you want, you can get a sponge filter to make sure that his fins don't get caught.


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Bettas in deep tanks tend to have more swim bladder issues than bettas in shallow tanks do. I had my first sorority in first an 18gal tall (24" tall) and then a 46gal bowfront (24" tall) and I lost at least three girls due to swim bladder issues. They also stayed right around the bottom of the tank. Now that I have the girls in a 10gal (temporarily), they are all over the tank. Same thing with my males. The boys in the 10gals and the one in the Hex5 are much more active and all over the tank than my male in the 29gal is.