Kuhli Loach


Superstar Fish
Oct 20, 2006
Wellsville, KS
lol i share my shower with a cat when she decides shes brave enough to venture into it. she sits on the thingy ma bobber in the shower, its like a seat. and watches me. kinda creepy. <.< 0.0 >.>

hmm kuhlii loaches seem to not live very long. but i like them a lot better than the dojo because of the markings. i think i will risk it and hope he never gets the curisosity to venture from his tank.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
I have a kuhli loach that I have had for about 5 years, and he was full grown when I got him so no idea how old he actually is. Aside from ones sick from the store (that all died within a few days, and the ones at the store were dead too when I went to return them), I haven't ever killed off a kuhli loach... I find them very hardy little guys. I also haven't had any attempt to escape from the tank, even an open top tank.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
i am looking for an albino kuhli loach currently, have my LFS checking into it. hoefully they can get two for me. If anyone knows where to buy them at online or in your area let me know, i would be willing to pay for shipping and cost if you would be willing to mail to me if found.

Oct 18, 2006
Oceanside California
my kuhli have started showing themselves more since i went to natural plants, i see them laying on the plants sometimes, other times they are under gravel, but they really love the driftwood and natural plants, guess it makes them comfy and home feeling.


Large Fish
Nov 8, 2006
Newport News, VA
i have 2 recently added kuhlii loches and they are prety active during the day, but usually behind things like my drift wood or around my rock where the light isnt so bright.

funny kuhlii story: my tank is next to my bed and last night i got a text message and opened my cell in the dark next to my bed. i looked into the tank and both of the loaches were dancing around in the blue light coming from my phone. it was really cute... kinda random story but yea... hehe

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