

Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I was so disappointed! I seldom get to go into town by myself, but had two appointments today so it was the perfect time, or so I thought, to stop at Petsmart which is the closest of the two within 30 miles. (round trip 60). There was a sign out front saying the store was being upgraded. Apparently what that meant was they got rid of one whole wall of fish tanks. I was certainly surprised, but it got worse. I never saw Wal-mart tanks as bad as their tanks. I can't honestly say the dead fish out numbered the live ones but it was nauseating. They supposedly had a lot of fish on sale, but were out of those. Many if the betta cups were anything but clean - they use to put some type of blue med in them, but the young man I spoke to said they recently stopped that. He said they were "suppose to" change the water weekly, so I pointed out that the one cup was so yellow and murky it was hard to tell whether there was a fish in it or a moss ball. There is a Petco on the other side of town, but their selection is rather random. I may have to go north, with is a little farther, and a lot more congested driving wise.

Feb 27, 2009
Because I have witnessed conditions exactly as you describe at more than one 'chain store' is the reason I won't buy fish from them. I adopted an older adult cat (estimated 7-8 years old) from a charity that is allowed to use the chain-store's puppy/kitten area to adopt out, so I will buy cat related products from them.

It's funny, because most of my fish came from the west coast of the USA (Portland, OR). They are more in your neck of the woods. Its a LFS that also sells fish online.

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Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
That is a shame Thyra. I'll buy fish or inverts from my Petsmart and Petco if it's something I really want, and they happen to have it, but I hear you. Cleanliness and care is hit/miss with them.

I had to shake my head at the tiny and extremely sad sale tank rack at a local Wal Mart we visited recently for school supplies... and this is a fairly new Wally. Even worse was the poor bettas trapped in filthy cups. Even my wife and daughter were aghast at the tanks. "Daddy, your fish look SOOO much healthier" my daughter said. They even had one tiny tank with mostly dead, potted aquatic plants.

I know it's some people's only source, but I kinda wish Wal Mart wouldn't bother with fish and stick to supplies only. Can't imagine why they even sell live critters.

Feb 27, 2009
The son of a friend of mine is a 'section manager' of a Walmart out in the Midwest. His current section includes the fish area. He does the best he can with what he has for staff, but most that work in the area don't give a BLEEP about the live animals.

He also says that they don't make a profit on the live animals (fish), but having them there increases supply purchases. The live department is considered a 'cost center' and not expected to make a profit.


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
my situation it I only buy a couple of fish at a time and sometimes several months apart so ordering them by mail would be very expensive. I agree with what OC said - I doubt that any live animals in any store make a profit - its the supplies. The person in line in front of me bought what looked like a 5# bag of special cat food - $26 with tax, I swear - Dudley Doright would eat that in a week! The store is full of all kinds of cutesie clothes, treats and toys all catering to doting owners - that's where the profit is. I am sure that is why so many LFS fail - just think of the cost of equipment and upkeep, let alone the fact that in order to be competitive you have to sell the fish at a couple of dollars apiece and then guarantee them.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
my "go to" lfs accually makes most thier money on fish and food. they really don't make a profit on much more then that. most of their fish are locally raised and given to the store or sold for next to nothing to the store like my cichlids. I sell them generally for $.75 to $1.50 each. depending on the species and how often they get them in. but they sell them for $5 or more each.

alot of thier supplies are marked down insane amounts. thier marinland dual t5 lights last time i checked for a 48" was marked down to $55 from $110. and thats not uncommon to see lighting filters and tanks regularly 50% off their. I just took a look at my last 3.2 oz new life spectrum flake food i bought. it was 6.99 marked down from 12.99. they may be the exception though. and they are probably the favorite freshwater fish store in the quad cities area.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Thyra, I've seen that too. We think we spend some serious coin on our aquaria. Dog and cat nuts are even more insane than us. That's big box pet's profit margin. We try to stay as low cost as possible with our dog and two cats, but ughh.. cat litter and one cat that supposedly "has" to have can food because of issues gets expensive (I'd love to take that one for a ride "out into the country". LOL!!)

exhumed- you must live in an area that's extremely small-business friendly. It's very much the opposite where I live. Rent, taxes, insurance, fees are terrible for the small business.

Aug 28, 2013
Dayton, OH
I'm usually always disappointed in big chain fish suppliers, however, I've found a pretty good superpetz near me that I'm not too disappointed in, their tanks look fairly decent, still could be better, but by far not in the top 5 worst I've seen... they don't keep their bettas any better than what you described though, I go in there and some are just laying on their sides, or already dead, it's a shame. I wish I could find a good mom and pop fish store, something small with quality, where they know what their doing and their business is driven by passion.. that would be ideal!


Small Fish
Aug 10, 2013
My Pet Supplies Plus is worse than Wal-Mart. When dead fish have been left in the tank so long, they're eyeless, bloated, webby masses, that's way too long. No one seems to know anything about any pet's needs, and they're cutting back on small mammal, fish, and herps supplies to stock more of the cutsey dog and cat garbage. I bought nearly everything I needed to set up on-line. The fish came from a locally owned store four hours drive away.

That's a very nice place. They have a wall of 20 to 55 gallon tanks, all very clean, and not a single dead fish in sight. I like to stop there every time I'm out there, even if I really don't need anything in particular.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
Yes, one of the PSPs near me is like that. The other not bad. I am lucky to have an awesome LFS with in 5miles from my home, with a large selection, but I find fuzzy floaters in some of their tanks on occasion too.


Superstar Fish
Apr 30, 2006
my primary lfs owns thier property so no rent. as for the taxes and everything else i'm not sure. it's also a family run business. husband and wife and their 2 daughters are the only employees. so overhead is not bad compaired to say petco and places like that. We have 10 or so small pet stores in the area and 2 petco. we tend to pay just a little bit more at our smaller stores then the chain stores but the service, experience, and information is well worth it. also these small stores will special order fish and other things that the big chains wont or can't. thats how i got my apistogrammas and my O2 test kit.

As for the floaters at chain stores and wal mart. it's all way to common. I lose fish from time to time as everyone else here does. and it's not hard to grab a net and scoop them out. i understand these places need to take care of their patrons but still it only takes 5 seconds walking by a tank to see a dead fish and another 5 to scoop it out. most my lfs feed their fresh dead fish to their oscars, gar, catfish, and so on.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
10 LFS in your area? That's awesome! I'm pretty sure there's not 10 in a 100mi radius of my home. I do have the real close one, then one about 10-12mi away. You're right about food and basic supplies. Not a lot of difference in price on them between my LFS and big box-o-pets.

Feb 27, 2009
What is it with the GloFish? Went to a big-box pet store today for a new cat toy (they love the feathers on the fishing pole, but they get a little chewed up and need replaced every so often). Of the 64 tanks of fish, 22 of them had GloFish.

I've always been in favor of 'natural' fish which is one of the reasons I don't keep guppies, angels, and other fish that have been so selectively line-bred for an altered look. Perhaps that is why I favor wild-caught fish, or fish bred by hobbyists from wild strains.

But GloFish just look fake to me.

Guess I'm just old!

Feb 27, 2009
GloFish are not dyed, but genetically altered when embryos generations ago. They breed true (offspring will have the florescent color naturally). They can be zebra danio, tiger barbs, and a form of tetra (white skirted?).

They are illegal to have in California, and if they breed in captivity, they are technically illegal to sell except by a licensed dealer. The offspring are illegal to sell, give, or trade with others. All because they are trademarked.

A guy I knew a few years back had hundreds of them breed and he couldn't get rid of them. They ended up as Oscar food.



Superstar Fish
Mar 4, 2012
They're good for kids. The blue led really lights them up at night, so its a perfect night light for my boys. But too pricey, I agree. I've got about 8 of the tetras, green, pink and orange but purchased them all during sales when they were more like 2 bucks a piece. The two orange one I got for a buck from PSP. All they're tanks had ick real bad so everything was on sale. I bought and nursed them back to health in my QT tank and they're still alive today. But like I said, good for kids. I wouldn't put them in my living room.

BTW OC I did not know that about Angels. What should they look like in the wild?