Lionfish with cloudy eye

Apr 11, 2006
Ok, I got my devel lionfish (3 inches) for two weeks now in a 20gals, his eyes slowly starting to get cloudy. As a matter of fact, his left eye is almost competely cover with cloudness. I read some websites and they claimed that this is due to the decline of water quality and it could successfully be treated with anitibotic regimen(don't know what this medicine is). I don't have the ability to setup a quartine tank and looking for medicine as a alternative because I have some corals in my tank. I do have some reef safe medicine called "Prevent Ich" by kordon, but they proved to me uneffective, in fact, they increase the infection. Any ideas on specific brands that are reef safe and effective?? Or any advices will help.

Apr 11, 2006
I fed the lionfish frozen krills and I just changed the water last night. Is the cloudy eyes fatal. I was thinking about doing a freshwater dip, would you guys recommend this. By the way, how do you do a freshwater dip anyways( I heard that this will pop the parasites)??


Superstar Fish
Jun 12, 2004
Montreal, Quebec
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i just had one case of cloudy eye, on a yellow tang last year. I did a massive water change and put vitamines ( selcon ) in his food. 1 week later it was gone. I know a guy who was given a lionfish when he just started and he got cloudy eyes..i told him to check is params and they were not good at all. He changed the water and the lionfish got well quickly. I think the FW dip would only stress an already stressed animal.