Little Fishy (from the Neglected Betta thread)

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
My sister brought over Fishy from work Friday, and I cleaned his bowl and gave him blood worms for a weekend treat, he gets so happy when he comes over here he makes bubble nests all over the top and around his little plant. His personality is completely different from UB. Show Fishy a finger and he will follow it, show UB and he thinks your digit is challenging him.:rolleyes:

Fishy will go back to work Monday before Jen comes in. You should of seen Fishy's bowl BEFORE we started caring for him, he had no plant, cave or anything just black gravel (she bought black so it would not look dirty:mad: ) that was so dirty it could not be cleaned & I replaced it with some of UB's gold glass gravel) And the water was actually brown it was so bad that when you gave him some food he would spit it out since the water made everything taste like.. well you know:mad:

Now he eats like a happy little piggy betta should and is so much more perkier now (despite living in a gallon bowl) We will take care of Fishy untill my sister leaves work so in the meantime were keeping our eyes open for a dead fish to replace Fishy, if we can't get one we will figure something out. Fishy is depending on us.


Jan 13, 2006
awww he is beautiful, why would anyone want to get such a gorgeous creature just to make it suffer, someone outta stuff her in a dirty 1 gallon fish bowl and see if she likes it. the dead fish replacement sounds like a great idea, and then fishy would never be tortured again. im glad when people stick up for animals no matter how small they are. you guys are deffinitly doing the right thing.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly

As soon as Fishy was brought out of my room, his personaility changed from happy to scared. I think he knew he was going back to the office.:(

But at least he is well fed since my sis feeds him as soon as she comes in work. I can't believe her coworker said that she feeds Fishy once in a while or when she remembers.*crazysmil God what does it take to feed him like 5 seconds of her time?

He will be my fish when she leaves and after we swap with a dead fish. We can't do it now because my sister can't hold a poker face for very long. It will be hard to watch Jen scratching her head wondering how Fishy "passed on" knowing he is safe and happy with me;)

He is a pretty little guy, he will probably turn out to be a little beauty when he is truly taken care of. In the meantime my sis will feed him and I will clean his bowl to keep him healthy untill the big switcharoo:D

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Fishy is still hanging in there. I will be doing his bowl this weekend. It is ashame because he is such a nice little fish and very friendly too and he is owned by a very ignorant person. Got two months to find a dead fake Fishy.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
I just cleaned out and moved "eddie" from his owners office. I told the manager's admin that I am taking eddie down stairs to my area she said ya you should she's never here for i did just that, hell I feed him every day and clean his bowl, need to get a bigger bowl for him he's in a vase. I'll take some picture of "Eddie" so yu can see how big he is. Ileft her a note also and my extention.


Superstar Fish
Jan 4, 2006
Kalifornia, Silicon Valley
He sits in the dark alot too, and if some one uses that office then he gts some light.
I came in this morning and he got all happy to see me, ate good and is now hanging out on his castle.
flipper is checking him out too. He is so cute kinda like a dog inthe moring waiting to be fed he swims back and forth and I swear if he could bark hed be doing it!!!

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
He is like a little puppy getting attention (-:

My sister says alot of times she has to tap on the bowl to see Fishy move he just lays on the bottom, when he is at my house he is like a completely different fish, perky and making bubblenest and gives the betta dance everytime I walk by.


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Oh wow, thats so cool what yall are doing. Makes me beam with betta owner pride :rolleyes: I cant wait to see pictures of eddie. fishy is absolutely beautiful!!

Speaking of bubble nests, I just HAVE to say this!! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited about this! I was getting ready for my 8AM class this morning, and i turned around to talk to Flounder a bit, and lo and behold, what do i see on the surface of this water!??!?!?!?! MY BABY'S VERY FIRST BUBBLE NEST!!!!!!!!! It was so pretty and BIG! I was soooo excited that i woke up my roommate to show her, hehe, and she looked at me like i was insane! but it was golrious all the same!!! *BOUNCINGS I have been beeming with "motherly pride" all day long!!! Oh man, I'm so excited about this!!

well, i just wanted to brag a little bit ;) And Flounder is feeling sooooo much better now!


Large Fish
Oct 6, 2005
I have a question, maybe you gals can help.... I have a betta and he is ina 5.5 gallon tank with lots of fake plants and gravel and stuff. Heated, filtered, clean, all the good stuff. He is fed pellets and bloodworms and he has an oto and 1 lone rosy red minnow survivor in there with him. Everything I can do for him as far as being healthy and as happy as I can make him, I have doen but he has still NEVER built a bubble nest. What is up? I have had him for over 3 months now I think and I have still never seen one. Any suggestions?

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
It's like baby's first steps! I was the same way (-:

Try showing him a mirror or put a "pin up" a picture of a female betta. UB has not made any new nests lately. I think he doesn't like his new girlfriend, so I'll play match maker and make up another one for him. It also could be the filter is strong and prevents his nest making too.

Last edited:
Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
My sis brought home Fishy last night, I cleaned his bowl and put him next to UB's aquarium (Fishy's bowl background facing UB of course so they don't get stressed, UB just looks at him funny and Fishy hides behind his plant) This morning there is a big bubble nest around Fishy's silk plant, he always makes a bubble nest when he spends the first night here. (-:


Small Fish
Mar 10, 2006
sweetvegan74 said:
We will take care of Fishy untill my sister leaves work so in the meantime were keeping our eyes open for a dead fish to replace Fishy, if we can't get one we will figure something out. Fishy is depending on us.
or just replace it with a white betta.:rolleyes:


Large Fish
Jan 24, 2006
Hmmm, Shaunna, do you check for them in the early mornings, like when you first "wake him up"? Because that is when Flounder has been making his...yes, he has made three now! Oh man it's exciting :)

I don't really know how else to make him "happier" or something..cause it sounds like he has a pretty sweet set-up...

hmmm, just thought about this, maybe try adding a cave type thing for him? Just a little something else for him to paly in, maybe that will get him going...I'm still a betta newb though, so I dont have much I can say...sorry :( Good luck though! It sounds like you are good mommy, though *thumbsups