Little Fishy (from the Neglected Betta thread)

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Ignorant owner )-:

My sis came home last night very ticked off at her co-worker (Fishy's so called owner) Last week their office was painted, Fishy's bowl is kept on a drawer next to the wall. Her co-worker wasn't around so my sister put Fishy on her desk to avoid the painters. J (co-worker) did not say a word so my sister just left him on her desk since Fishy enjoyed the company. Suddenly yesterday her co-worker ask her why did she steal her fish! Umm they share the office, she just could of put him back.:confused: My sister said of course she didn't steal her fish and she thought him being on her desk was fine with her since he was there for a week. Then her co-worker said I have an idea how about I'll get another aquarium (she calls the little bowl an aquarum*thumbsdow ) and I'll buy you your own fish. My sister said look I'll put Fishy back on the drawer since this bothers you. And after she placed Fishy back by himself she told her that she didn't want a fish. (she said didn't wanted Fishy because things would of gotten worse) And her co-worker laughed sarcasticly and said what do you have to worry, your sister will clean the aquarium. (She still thinks I only cleaned it twice!*crazysmil )

And that is all my sis told me. She will let me know how things go today. J is the kind of person that cannot be told what to do or give suggestions. And she is a social worker! Her moto is if it is hers then it's her business. There should be a law rude ignorant people not to own any pets. When my sister leaves in May we cannot simply cannot leave Fishy there. We have gotten to know him and his little persona, he loves my warm room and enjoys following my hand and takes little pea bits from my fingers. As soon as he is with me he makes bubble nests non stop.:(

My mom now has a plan.. Replace Fishy with a dead mock Fishy and put a small crack in the so called aquarium so it will be a slow leak, when J comes in work she will find the spilled water, dead fish and the crack bowl. Hopefully this will deter her from buying another victim. Meanwhile Angie is working at her new job and Fishy swims merrily n his clean 6 gallon filtered aquarium:p This sneaky plan coming from a sweet Christian homemaker:D

Well we got two months to plan..


Superstar Fish
Oct 3, 2005
Gibsonburg, OH
Sounds like a good plan, hope it all works out. Don't you think she'll just go out and buy another bowl though? Sounds like she likes the attention she gets from having the fish, rather than the fish itself :(

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Were hoping if the bowl is cracked it might deter her from getting another fish for work. She has (or had) a betta at home.

My sister says she can't believe she made these comments because she does not even look at him. We want to swap fish when my sis leaves work because she does not want to hang around too long afraid that her poker face will give up when J asks her I wonder how this happened.

Sep 2, 2005
North East Philly
Well J has not said anything fishy (pun intended LOL) to my sister since she put Fishy back on the drawer. She still will feed him when J is not around.

(Rubbinghands) now in May all we need is a deadmock fishy, a razor blade, a little contanier for Fishy's get away car, and two black sweaters and ski masks for me & my sis.. But seriously were doing this fish napping I mean rescue mission. When I told my dad what happended with my sister and J's arguement he responded why not switch with a dead fish. It's scary how my family think alike.


Medium Fish
Sep 18, 2005
haha, hey, this is exciting reading about your plans and your progress. Please, keep me (us) updated whenever something new happens!! God speed soldier!! Oh wait, I just thought of something. What if the aforementioned person you are enacting your extraction operation from stumbles upon this site and reads all the intel??

Moderators, we must burn the evidence after the op. is completed! Hee hee hee, over and out.