Live rock and sand


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
So I’m starting to price out and get an estimate what it would cost me to set up a saltwater tank. I ran into a couple of websites selling live rock and I stumbled upon THIS one.

There are a couple different types of sand, Is there a big difference in the type of sand you use? I want start with a couple clowns and an eel if it will work in the tank I have a (50G hex) and I would like to make it as much of a biotope I could for them.

If you guys have a good source for live rock and sand please advise.

Thanks again!


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
yeah that’s what I thought...

Its going to take me at least 3 months to finish the tank stand and come up with the money for a skimmer, more power heads, live rock.. well you know the drill, so I'm not set on a fish selection yet, but my daughter loves Nemo so I think she will appreciate it.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
James From Cali said:
LOL, well Im glad I gave some insight on the subject. Oh and remember that Hex Tanks dont have as much surface area.
I'm assuming that’s bad... why? (excuse my noobishness)


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
JWright said:
With a 50G (even a hex) you have a little more flexibility than a couple clowns and a couple firefish. That sounds more like a stocking for a 20g...

What little relevance the "inch per gallon" rule has in freshwater is completely thrown out the window in saltwater.
Would I be able to stock some type of eel with the clowns in a hex?


Superstar Fish
Jan 14, 2004
Visit site
for a while anyways yes you could, a small snowflake eel would work fine in there, but would probably out grow the tank eventually. The down side to a hex is the lack of surface area, which equals less gas exchange.

Dec 21, 2005
st. louis area
hey nealio where are you abouts? It's nice to be able to check out the lr that you want to buy. lr over the web can be tricky, I've heard of cases of bait and switch. The pics that they post will be awesome but what you get in the mail is completely different. JWright gave you reputable dealer but there are a lot of lr dealers out there that will try to screw you.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
I’m right outside of San Francisco...

I think I'm going to go thru the link that JW posted. Seems like it’s a competitive price and word of mouth is always good in my book. If he had a good experience, then there is a good chance I will too. The problem with my experience is I have no idea what I'm doing yet LOL. All of the LFS’s around here seem way more expensive than the online dealers.

I want to do this right, so I'm sure I will be asking a million more questions *twirlysmi Thanks for putting up with me *PEACE!*


Elite Fish
Mar 3, 2005
NE Indiana
Joe the issue that the eels have with the clownfish is that once the eels get big the clownfish become food sources.

Nealio the issue with the 55 hex is also that you would need to stack live rock vertically more or less and there by limiting your aquascape options. Also the eel would like a tunnel or cave to hide in....many put pvc piping under the rock to give them some place to hang out.

My suggestion would be do some research by reading some books on the subject such as "The New Marine Aquarium" etc. and all the stickies on the forum pages.


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
Lorna said:
Joe the issue that the eels have with the clownfish is that once the eels get big the clownfish become food sources.

Nealio the issue with the 55 hex is also that you would need to stack live rock vertically more or less and there by limiting your aquascape options. Also the eel would like a tunnel or cave to hide in....many put pvc piping under the rock to give them some place to hang out.

My suggestion would be do some research by reading some books on the subject such as "The New Marine Aquarium" etc. and all the stickies on the forum pages.
I saw the PVC plan and I was going to use it. I wouldn't want to add an eel if it was going to eat my other fish, I just think there freaking awesome!*thumbsups

I saw a lot of recommendations on the book called, the conservative aquarist or something of the sort. I plan on buying this book for the car ride I have to take this weekend.

Again, thanks for all your help..

OH and is there a difference between the sand types?

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Actually, you could do an eel, but only if it was something similar to the Golden Dwarf Moray ( . Many people overlook this beautiful fish because of the price. I've actually thought of doing one myself, but the price is difficult to justify. They are actually good options, if you can afford them. This particular one is the cheapest I've ever seen, next lowest was $450.

There are significant differences in sand types, but this only pertains to what you will be keeping. If it is just your basic fish, then no, there isn't much of a difference, and it becomes more personal preference. I personally like the sugar-sized sand. I've heard many ups and downs about crushed coral, but some people get it to work. If you are asking between live/dead sand, then the live sand is not worth it IMO. The dead sand becomes seeded relatively quickly, and if your tank is tall, you could have a very deep sand bed (DSB, VERY beneficial in creating your "biotope").


Large Fish
Aug 23, 2006
I would need a very good xmas bonus to bring that home or my wife would kill me..... unless she thought it was a lot cheaper ;)

So the sugar sized sand is a +
So far I have only heard about live sand, not dead sand.

On that link that was on the OP what type of sand would you recommend?

Thanks again! *PEACE!*

Jul 14, 2005
Tampa, FL
Dead sand is just dry aragonite (or whatever the sand is made from) in a bag.

On your link from the other page, I like the Bahama Oolite, which is an EXTRA FINE grain, but would also go with the Indo Pacific. Just go with what you like.