Yes, but you'll end up with not very much flow thro' your sump, which may or may not be a good thing. I prefer a fair bit now, but anything is possible.
Which skimmer is a good question. Skimmers come in a couple of types, and so you really need to decide yes or no to a sump. You can get a straight HOB (hang on back one) if you don't get a sump. If you have a sump an insump one is usually better value for money as they don't need to be so fancy shaped as HOB's.
There are some very, very poor performers on the market right now. A good skimmer like an AquaC remora (HOB) or Urchin (insump) is going to run you a couple of hundred dollars US. If you don't want to spend that sort of meney I would suggest you DON'T buy a piece of underperforming junk (like a seaclone or prism) but rather shop secondhand (you'll need to hunt around online, but they are there) or keep on saving. Buying a bad skimmer because it's cheap is a false economy.