long needed update

Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
thanks everybody!!!
ok C-man ive decided that the display just doesnt look as good as it could. so ive made a couple decisions, 1- most fish are being taken back to my LFS, 2- its going to be a tanganyikan tank, 3- heres the fun part i pretty much get to restock my tank!m im taking the fish back later today.

im going to rearange my rocks into two different territorys and have one open sand bed in the middle. unless my stock list cahnges.

right now here is the list-
2 a. calvus(white)
2-4 julidochromis maleiri( i already have one)
10 cyprichromis leptomosa (utinta)
+ my 2 frontosas until they get to big or until i upgrade my tank.

now here is where my decision is not sure yet, its either gonna be 2-3 n. leleupi or 3-4 l. multifasciatus( this is what the sandbed will be for, an area for the shells)

how does this sound? ive already been told on cichlid-forum.com that the leleupi cannot be with the multis because the leleupi will kill the female multis.

any opinions?

if i do decide to go with the leleupi i will probably be getting a 10g to try and breed some shellies.


Jul 9, 2003
Columbia, SC
Personally i'd just hold off on the Leleupi and shellies (or get them their own tank) and just go with the stock you listed above. If you really had to add anything else i'd go with the shellies tucked in one corner or something. They stay smaller and will stay near their home. The Leleupi tend to be pretty aggressive.

Though watch the fronts when they get larger, in the wild they eat the Cyps as the cyps head for deeper water at night. Probably won't be a concern in the aquarium as you feed them...but you never know.

Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
well i thk that ive decided to do what you said C-Man because my boss said it would be difficult for him to get me the multies. But im thinking about setting up a 10g for them and maybe trying to get a breeding colony going. Anyone know of a good place to order some multies from?

Well i got my fish taken back to the LFS, all except my fronts and my julie. And now i have the tank setup the way im gonna keep it. So now all that is in my 55g is 2 frontosas(2-3 inches), 1 julidochromis marleiri or transcriptus(1-1.5 inches), 2 cory cats, 3 flying foxes, and a algae eater. Its weird i thought i had 2 male fronts, because they were never near each other when i had all the mixed africans, but now they are getting a lil closer and closer to each other. The more dominant one kinda nips at my other one, but it isnt like a goin in for the kill nip. IDK.

Well here are some pics that i took of my tank after i was done redoing the rock and after the water cleared up. Hope you like them.
full tank shot.-no flash

left side of the tank.-no flash

middle of the tank.-no flash

right side of the tank-no flash

my kigoma(7-stripe) enjoying the new caves.-flash

my burundi also enjoying the new setup-flash

well what do you think??


Nov 12, 2006
Southern CA
thanks everybody!!!
silver dollars- i only have one julie right now im looking to get some more but im not sure if i want to get transcriptus or stick with marleiri like the one i have because im not sure if i want my julies to be 5 inches like the marleiris get when the transcriptus only get 3 inches.

i forgot who asked about the dimensions, but they are just a regular 55g, they are like 48/13/18 or something like that. i hate how the depth is so short i would like a lot more room!

the new leleupi are settling in pretty well. nothing seems to be wanting to eat them anymore. they use the caves really well. i cant wait till they get bigger!!!

ill get some new pics up soon. thanks again everyone!
