well i thk that ive decided to do what you said C-Man because my boss said it would be difficult for him to get me the multies. But im thinking about setting up a 10g for them and maybe trying to get a breeding colony going. Anyone know of a good place to order some multies from?
Well i got my fish taken back to the LFS, all except my fronts and my julie. And now i have the tank setup the way im gonna keep it. So now all that is in my 55g is 2 frontosas(2-3 inches), 1 julidochromis marleiri or transcriptus(1-1.5 inches), 2 cory cats, 3 flying foxes, and a algae eater. Its weird i thought i had 2 male fronts, because they were never near each other when i had all the mixed africans, but now they are getting a lil closer and closer to each other. The more dominant one kinda nips at my other one, but it isnt like a goin in for the kill nip. IDK.
Well here are some pics that i took of my tank after i was done redoing the rock and after the water cleared up. Hope you like them.
full tank shot.-no flash
left side of the tank.-no flash
middle of the tank.-no flash
right side of the tank-no flash
my kigoma(7-stripe) enjoying the new caves.-flash
my burundi also enjoying the new setup-flash
well what do you think??