It doesn't necessarilly have to be an either/or thing. Otos are cool, too. They munch on algae and seem to like perching on top of leaves. They get to about 2 - 2.5 inches in length. It is typically suggested to have at least 3 per tank, or up to 1 per 10 gallons in larger tanks. I have heard stories about them mysteriously dying for no apparent reason, but have not encountered this myself (although one did commit suicide by trying a "Free Willy" up my Python).
Corys, on the other hand, are pretty much content buzzing around the bottom and don't eat algae (at least not to any appreciable extent). There are a lot of different species of cory and they range from less than 2" in length to around 3.5". There is much documentation about breeding many corys, and they generally do well in a community tank.
I currently have 3 otos in my 75, but no corys (at least not yet). I will probably get a school of c. sterbai or something like it for my 58, and perhaps some otos, too (although there is a real chance they could end up as snacks for the Altums).