Looking for a compatible center piece fish

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I recently started a 56g column tank and am looking for a semi-large fish to be the center piece. I currently have 6 zebra danios, 6 glowlight tetras, 2 dwarf gouramis, and 6 harlequin rasboras. These are my first fish in the tank after I cycled my tank and plan to add more glowlights and rasboras to bring their count up to 10, 10 lamp eye tetras, 6 albino cories, and 10 range von rio flame tetras. This was my first stocking idea but now that I see my tank with my current fish, I feel like I need something a little bigger instead of a lot of smaller fish.

I know I probably will have to change my stocking plans in order to get a center piece fish which is fine by me. What do you guys suggest as a center piece fish? I would do a single angel fish but worried that some of the tetras might nip it's fins so I want to stay away from angel fish.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
What about a fancy swordtail or molly? Not all that exciting I know, but he may stand out from the crowd.

Alternatively, you really don't have much on the bottom of that tall tank. Have you ever heard of a hoplo catfish (Megalechis thoracata (or still sometimes called Hoplosternum thoracatum))? Basically a big cory cat - social and hardy, and not aggressive towards the little tetras and such. About the size of a hotdog when full grown. You could do a group of them instead of the smaller cories. Or a group of mid-size loaches like yoyos.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I thought about some loches but since they are bottom fish, I didnt think that it would add a "cool" factor since they will mostly be on the bottom. As far as the hoplo catfish, I need fish that I could find at petsmart/petco. I cant bring myself to paying for shipping of fish. It cost way too much money.


Superstar Fish
The giant black sailfin Mollie is a really nice looking fish, gets about 4-6" long. I am not sure if the others would nip its long fins though, maybe some research on that should be done or maybe someone knows. Either way the Giant black sailfin Mollie is a great looking fish.


Superstar Fish
Jan 11, 2013
East Aurora, NY
I know people have different opinions on this, but what about an angel?

A tall tank like that would be ideal for an angel. I've got one in my standard 55g, and this is with 2 gourami, 4 female bettas, gold lyretail molly, 4 zebra danios and 3 siamese algae eaters.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I know people have different opinions on this, but what about an angel?

A tall tank like that would be ideal for an angel. I've got one in my standard 55g, and this is with 2 gourami, 4 female bettas, gold lyretail molly, 4 zebra danios and 3 siamese algae eaters.
I thought about angels but I am worried about the tetras possibly nipping the angel's fins.


Superstar Fish
Dec 20, 2006
On my office chair playing Runescape
I would be more worried of the angel eating the glow light tetras.

I would skip the mollies. They really do best in either brackish or salt water. Although every year i'd buy a few to put in my pond for algae control along with feeder guppies and whatever i felt like throughing in there.

A female betta or even a small harem of female bettas could work. They tend to be more peaceful and would do better with your Dwarf Gouramis then the males.

What about a fancy pleco like a flash, gold nugget, or even one of the Hypancistris sp.? I wouldn't get one that gets over 6 inches due to you have such an odd tank dimensions.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
I would be more worried of the angel eating the glow light tetras.

I would skip the mollies. They really do best in either brackish or salt water. Although every year i'd buy a few to put in my pond for algae control along with feeder guppies and whatever i felt like throughing in there.

A female betta or even a small harem of female bettas could work. They tend to be more peaceful and would do better with your Dwarf Gouramis then the males.

What about a fancy pleco like a flash, gold nugget, or even one of the Hypancistris sp.? I wouldn't get one that gets over 6 inches due to you have such an odd tank dimensions.
Pleco might be a better option than loaches since they would roam more. I would have to find one that is okay without driftwood because I don't have any in this tank.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
loaches are more active than most plecos imo. get some yoyos if you can. You live in the same state as me, shipping is usually not that much for fish we can't find in stores. check AquaBid website. shipping from sellers is usually around $15 for priority. choose a warm week to get your fish (wait for spring, we are way too cold right now haha).

bottom feeders give a lot of cool factor if you choose active ones.
Carnivorous plecos like zebras(just and example) do not NEED driftwood but plecos generally like hanging out on some. plecos that come from rivers with rocks will do ok w/o driftwood, just research them on planet catfish website.

I think you would find loaches (yoyo or striped) or corydoras quite active when you feed.

As for centerpiece try larger gouramies like pearls, opaline, etc.
You can risk an angel but then either it will be the victim or it will eat some of your smallest fish. (It shouldn't eat fish over 1.5" just so you know.) which fish do you think will nip it's fins? i know barbs or serpae tetras will nip. my lemon tetras leave my angel alone though.

If you want a pleco i'd definitely recommend a bristlenose because it will clean you tank a little for uneaten food and some algae off the glass and stays less than 5" usually.


Superstar Fish
I would be more worried of the angel eating the glow light tetras.

I would skip the mollies. They really do best in either brackish or salt water. Although every year i'd buy a few to put in my pond for algae control along with feeder guppies and whatever i felt like throughing in there.

A female betta or even a small harem of female bettas could work. They tend to be more peaceful and would do better with your Dwarf Gouramis then the males.

What about a fancy pleco like a flash, gold nugget, or even one of the Hypancistris sp.? I wouldn't get one that gets over 6 inches due to you have such an odd tank dimensions.
This is true, all of my Mollies are in full saltwater which also brings out a lot of their colors. In the past I thought it was my LED lights but I only has regular bulbs on my 75G when I put them in there and after a couple weeks they started to brighten up even before I put the LED's on it.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
loaches are more active than most plecos imo. get some yoyos if you can. You live in the same state as me, shipping is usually not that much for fish we can't find in stores. check AquaBid website. shipping from sellers is usually around $15 for priority. choose a warm week to get your fish (wait for spring, we are way too cold right now haha).

bottom feeders give a lot of cool factor if you choose active ones.
Carnivorous plecos like zebras(just and example) do not NEED driftwood but plecos generally like hanging out on some. plecos that come from rivers with rocks will do ok w/o driftwood, just research them on planet catfish website.

I think you would find loaches (yoyo or striped) or corydoras quite active when you feed.

As for centerpiece try larger gouramies like pearls, opaline, etc.
You can risk an angel but then either it will be the victim or it will eat some of your smallest fish. (It shouldn't eat fish over 1.5" just so you know.) which fish do you think will nip it's fins? i know barbs or serpae tetras will nip. my lemon tetras leave my angel alone though.

If you want a pleco i'd definitely recommend a bristlenose because it will clean you tank a little for uneaten food and some algae off the glass and stays less than 5" usually.
All of my fish are at least 1.5" at the moment. I did not have a particular fish in mind that would nip the angel. Just the fact that I was getting tetras is what worried me.


Elite Fish
Sep 22, 2009
Northern NJ
if you do not have one of the nippy species of tetras then it should be fine to get an angel for your tank. just try not to do what i did - get a black angel for a black background tank haha. she blends right in. Mine is about 2 years old by now and 7" tall.

Jan 11, 2003
New Jersey, USA
if you do not have one of the nippy species of tetras then it should be fine to get an angel for your tank. just try not to do what i did - get a black angel for a black background tank haha. she blends right in. Mine is about 2 years old by now and 7" tall.
The problem is I find conflicting reports. Some say they nip and others say they don't. I really wanted an angel. I guess I'll give them a try. Thanks everyone


Superstar Fish
Jun 2, 2010
Yelm, WA
I have not had a problem with tetras in with my angel - except it ate the neons - but I think the trick is to have at least 6 in a group so they tend to chase each other and of course, have a large enough tank for what you are stocking. Even my serpas have left the angel alone.


Elite Fish
Jul 19, 2004
Cape Cod
Kuhlis are awesome. You can add regular (striped) kuhlis with the blacks if you want, or stick to all black. They do hide a bit but come out more when you have more of them.