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Superstar Fish
Feb 18, 2004
East-Central Illinois
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I'm not sure what to do with sure large goldfish.
Sometimes with those it's probably better to ________ (fill in the blank with your imagination)
LFS with such high prices on goldfish seem ridiculous to me.
Those are just large goldfish, nothing special about them.

I love large fish if I was able to house them. Other than that I like small colorful fish. Bettas and Tetras being my favie!I do want to say that miss penny(my last goldie) had died. I been doing daily 10-20% wc. water has been great. Here were the params that the store gave me:

ammonia: 0
nitrite: 0
nitrate: 10

I had them check three times. But she still died. Well at least shes in a "bigger tank". With all the other goldies that werent taken care of.