So it should be taller, more open substrait is good. Ok, got it. Silly me, that rock with all the holes in it that I did put underneith the rock pile is texas holey rock. Ive had it for years and never thought anything about it. I understand what you are saying about the cave structures underneith the rock pile.
And no, that is not bogwood on the left, just a very dark, long rock that I put in there. It hides the heater very well I think.
The only live plants in there is anchris (sp + lazyness), the rest are plastic ones, actualy the only plastic plants I have. And yes it is purple sand now. It is a mix of red and blue. I kinda like the way it looks with the white rocks.
Still my only worry right now is that I sexed them right when I bought them. I fear the day I have to remove some, I tried for 10 minutes to catch the ones I wanted and only managed to get one. :/
I am enjoying them very much. Mabey to much. The wifey and me are looking to buy a new house and I have already started talking plans of building around a 100gallon tank for cichlids.
Not really a bad thing tho, who knows, it also just might end up stuck in a wall in my living room!