Mabye a stupid idea, but I'm going to try it.


Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
I want fry too!

But no way is TAL doing all the work you did.

So TAL went out and bought some guppies.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
DAY FOUR (I think)

My girl was pretty beat up, she had several bites around her gills and frayed fins. :(
I think that some of them have hatched, but they are just tiny little specks! Mabye just drity water? I don't think so, but still.
I bought two ten gal tanks yesterday, and I am getting them cycled and ready to put the babies into soon. I just hope that they don't die of shock from the change of tanks.
I am posting a picure of the bubble nest with the babies underneath, it kind of sucks because I lost my other camera (probably under a pile of clothes somewhere.) and so I had to take it with my phone.
And my brine shrimp hatchery is slowly coming along... I'm so excited!
I am going to post pictures of my new betta that I am going to breed (if I decide to keep doing it) Morticia with next. He's a ham and I wanted to show him off. ;)

And I am going to keep the snails and babies seperate, I would like to keep them together to save space, money, and my water bill, but I don't want to risk either species dying or being killed/eaten/etc.

I'll post more pictures when I can find my camera. :)



Large Fish
Sep 7, 2008
Do they really hatch that fast and start that small???


How hard is it to do the brine shrimp thing? What the heck are brine shrimp?


Superstar Fish
Jan 1, 2010
Vancouver, British Columbia
Do they really hatch that fast and start that small???


How hard is it to do the brine shrimp thing? What the heck are brine shrimp?
Not too hard. I did it for my angel fry. You buy a container of brine shrimp eggs, set up a hatchery (water bottle/jug, light, aeration, salt). Hatch new ones every day, feed them to wee fry. After a day or so, bbs (baby brine shrimp) will start to die off unless you feed them - they live on their own yolk sac for the first few hours of life, and that's when they are very nutritious for fish fry.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010

They are so cute! I can kind of (not really) see them now, they still just look like little specks. I moved the father out a few days agao (a day agao? I'm not really sure, the days are blurring together) and I am putting bbs into the tank to feed the babies.
I actually heard somewhere that bbs were actually sea monkies?
Go figure.
My classes started today (last year of highschool! WOO!) and I figure that with the new schedule it will get easier to time the feeding. One in the morning, one after I get home, and one at eleven at night.
Hopefully no overfeeding will occur, I don't want them to die on me.
I'll try to take a picture of the babies as soon as I can, but I don't think they will show up on my camera screen yet. :)
Wish me luck!
And if anyone in the MO region of the USA wants a baby, I'll be happy to give one to you. :)


Superstar Fish
Oct 15, 2009
Northern Arizona
Generally speaking, you want to leave the male in the tank with the fry until the fry are free-swimming from the nest. That way the male can pick up any babies who fall from the best and put them back. Otherwise, the ones that fall will lie on the bottom and most likely die.


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
I had an accident. We were moving some furniture around my room and one of the metal legs on my bed scraped the glass of my tank. It cracked and water started leaking out of it at a frightening rate. I moved as many babies as I could onto assorted jars and bowls and anything else I could find that held water until I found a replacement tank.

I looked at them this morning and most of them are dead. :(

UGH! this is so frustrating. I managed to get my parents to breed, I got the babies to live through the first week or so, I was buying a better camera to take some pictures of them, and now they are dead.

I am going to hunt and see if any survived the wreak and try and save them as best as I can. For a while though, I think that I will lay off breeding....'tis to sad if they die.


Superstar Fish
May 2, 2009
Atlantic Canada
Ooh that stinks. I was watching this thread and that. really. stinks. Hopefully a couple will make it- keep your fingers crossed!
& I sometimes like reaallly small broods of like 5. Why? Because then it's easier to take care of them.
Good luck with any remaining fry and RIP all the others.

Last edited:


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
I looked around and I think mabye fifty are still alive. I put them in my 10 gallon for the moment, and I am looking for a substitute 20 gal for them. I really hope they live, but more survived than I thought would.
And hey, I have plenty of baby snails to keep me busy. :)
I got a new female a little while back and I am keeping her near Gomez to see if they will hit it off on a good note.
Wish me luck!


Medium Fish
Jun 29, 2010
I finally got a rather decent picture of one of the babies. They are still rather clear, and I think it is going on nearly a month of them being alive. :)

And I don't have any substrate or anything on the bottom, It was kind of a rush thing to get this tank set up for them.
